There's no denying that Farrah Abraham has been Teen Mom's biggest breakout. With multiple business ventures, a successful career in the adult entertainment industry, and a finale fight that threatened to get her kicked off the show last season, it's no wonder that the 25-year-old is constantly being blogged, tweeted, and gossiped about. spoke to Farrah ahead of the show's new season (premiering tonight on MTV) about her daughter, Sophia, what it was like to get some tough talk from Patti Stanger on Million Dollar Matchmaker, and what her plans are for her drama-free future.

What's new for you this season?

What you're going to see in the first couple of episodes is me moving to L.A., and how Sophia and I are adjusting to it, and if it will work out.

Part of you moving to L.A. was you trying to make it work with Simon. I loved the last episode of last season when you were shopping for wedding rings. I was like, "I want my entire life to be Farrah shopping for wedding rings."

Me too. I want that to be more of my life. You and I both.

It was a difficult episode though, because it started with a lot of happiness but by the end, almost everyone was sure you weren't coming back due to your fight with producer Larry Musnik. Can you tell me about that?

I think it's more to do with the contractual, back-end business side of doing the show. It's totally fine when we have a disagreement, but sometimes when you push people to film and work when things aren't straightened out fully with the whole team, I think that's what leads to frustration and anger. Larry did apologize. We worked out our issues and that's why I'm back again for this season, which I think everyone's super stoked about.

The last time we talked you said you were done with drama. Do you still feel like you are done with the drama?

I definitely am done with as much drama as I can be done with. I don't think it helps me with any of my business endeavors or the things that I'm excited about.

You recently went on Million Dollar Matchmaker and Patti Stanger went off on you regarding your adult business work. Has that changed your views on adult entertainment?

I don't really think she went off on me in regards to the adult business side. I think as an older Gemini, she was just speaking to me. She was like, "I think you're Fabulous Farrah, not just Fallen Farrah." She wants me to make sure that no one gets it confused — my intentions and my business savviness, or how great of an individual I am.

I think for someone like myself, who has been successful in adult entertainment, it was like, OK, I need to step back from this and keep discovering other things that I can be successful at and go worldwide, or do whatever I want to do. I don't want to give everything away, but throughout this season, I do start opening up another business and you get to see the grand opening. I think that's pretty great. Thanks to Patti for the little push!

I definitely am done with as much drama as I can be done with.

One of the most dramatic scenes last season was when you got kicked out of the Hampton's white party. Do you still think it's the Teen Mom connection that got you kicked out?

I have an email that stated that it was because of "Teen Mom and her affiliation with them and the other co-stars." I'm not going to bring up the other names that were put in the email, but I know and have validation that that's what the organizers were most concerned about. They could have said whatever they wanted to say. They could have said, "Because Farrah is naked on the internet, we don't want her there." They didn't; they brought up Teen Mom.

How's Sophia doing? She had a rough season.

Sophia says she wants to move to L.A., then she says she doesn't. She's getting ready to open up her children's boutique.

Oh my god.

Right now she wants to buy a hamster. Sophia's all over the place.

Sophia has a children's boutique?

Yeah, we're getting ready to open it in Austin, Texas.

She's a store owner?

Yeah, a 7-year-old store owner and I'm super proud of her!

Hairstyle, Skin, Shoulder, Dress, Outerwear, Fashion show, Style, Fashion model, Runway, Fashion, pinterest
At a children's wear fashion show during fall 2016 fashion week.

Is that a record?

I think it could be. I need to look that up.

Last season, Sophia had some rough moments. She said, "I want to die," when talking about her father. How is she doing with that now?

Every year, it's different. Some kids don't have a perception of what death is, or death is different in their heads. That's for every child to figure out — that's even what adults struggle to figure out, "Where do I go when I die?" That's really what she was working through at that time. She's definitely in a better place, but there are ups and downs with us, even myself.

She's just being open and honest about her feelings, and that can definitely be taken in any way, but Sophia is very happy, content. She obviously misses her dad. We talk about him daily. I'm also very blessed that she knows where he is. I don't hide anything. I'm not in depression. I'm free from that. That's such a great feeling too, this year. Some of it's really rough on me though.

Did you watch last season? You're the only Teen Mom star I've talked to who says she watches every episode.

I have to. If you're talking about how to change yourself and better your life, I think watching yourself back — if you have that luxury — don't waste it. I also just love the show and I like to see all the other stuff that goes with it, like editing.

Have you considered what your life would be like if you hadn't done Teen Mom? What do you think your life would have been?

I had already planned to get my degrees, which I did. I wanted to go directly into owning a restaurant. I would have worked solely to own a restaurant. Beyond that, God only knows what I would have done. Maybe I would have done all the other businesses that I'm doing now. I just really love business.

I don't hide anything. I'm not in depression. I'm free from that.

Do you still want to be a doctor?

I want to become a doctor, but an even better adventure that I'm working on right now is basically owning the office and hiring the doctors that I want. That's more of the speed I'm at because I don't have enough time to go to get my doctorate right now.

You know, 2016 is a huge year...

Hell yeah!

Do you know who you're voting for?

I'm not going to really give my full answer, but I will say it's amazing to have the opportunity to have the first female president, if that's what we all decide on. It's also an amazing opportunity to have a very business-driven person like Trump be president if we all chose him. Beyond the hype, beyond the drama, beyond the negativity, at the end, who do you think will overall accomplish all of America's hopes and dreams?

Who do you think? Will you be voting?

One thing I learned from my grandpa was to not involve myself in politics. I always vote. If I have the right, I'm going to vote. I have my voter card. I don't want to not answer you, but I don't want to get all wrapped up into politics, because God only knows.

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