• The royal family is set to host Donald Trump and Melania Trump at the palace this week.
  • Meghan Markle won't meet with him or Melania.

Even though the royal family doesn't actually hold any political power in the UK—they just "play an important part in the life of the nation"—they still hobnob with heads of state. On June 3, the Queen, Prince William, Prince Harry, and Kate Middleton will all meet Donald Trump and Melania Trump during their three-day visit, but Meghan Markle definitely won't make an appearance.

According to reports, Harry will have a private lunch with Donald and talk about who even knows what, and William and Kate will have tea with Donald on his second day. William and Kate will also join Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, and Donald for a welcome ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

During all these engagements, Meghan, who just gave birth a couple weeks ago, will likely be hanging out at Frogmore Cottage with her newborn son, Archie. And while you shouldn't read too much into Meghan skipping this event because she hasn't even made a statement about it, she probably isn't upset about missing this because she's definitely not a Donald fan.

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Meghan once called Donald "divisive" and "misogynistic" and was a major supporter of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. Meghan explained why she wasn't voting for Trump during an interview with television host Larry Wilmore and said:

"It’s really the moment I go; we film Suits in Toronto and I might just stay in Canada. Yes, of course, Trump is divisive, think about female voters alone, right? I think it was in 2012 the Republican Party lost the female vote by 12 points; that is a huge number and with as misogynistic as Trump is, and so vocal about it, that is a huge chunk of it...“You’re not just voting for a woman if it’s Hillary because she’s a woman, but certainly because Trump has made it easy to see that you don't really want that kind of world that he’s painting.”

Welp, this visit will definitely give the royal family group text something to talk about.