Study "The Connected Truck"

German trucking companies, logistics specialists and transport companies were surveyed on topics such as digitalization, automation, vehicle technologies and general conditions in the industry.

With the study „The Connected Truck - pdf (1.13MB)”, the technology company Continental is taking a closer look at the trends and developments in the transport industry for the second time since 2016. One focus is on the topic of digitalization: How are companies in the road freight sector coping with digitalization, and what challenges and opportunities do they see? For the study, the renowned infas Institute for Applied Social Science interviewed the first and second management level of small, medium-sized and large companies from the German logistics and transport industry, including freight forwarders und transport companies.

Topics were, among others, the general conditions and challenges of the industry, but also the approach to specific technologies such as software solutions or vehicle assistance systems.

Another focus of the study was the attitude of the transport industry towards controversial topics such as automated driving or cybersecurity. A special focus is dedicated to the topic of cybersecurity. The results you can find on our website "Cybersecurity: How is the sector positioned – and what's in store for it?"

A first study on the connected truck was already conducted in 2016, and the comparison of the study results allows insights into the changing parameters and challenges of the transport and logistics industry.

Here you can find the most important results of the current digitalization study - pdf (1.13MB) (German only).