On July 18, the CFPB proposed a new interpretive rule that would characterize earned wage access (“EWA”) products as extensions of credit and subject to the Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z. Under the interpretive guidance, both the “tipping” function on EWA products, and the “expedited funds delivery fee” would be treated as finance charges, and would require the creditor to make the disclosures required for unsecured extensions of credit under Regulation Z. However, an employer-sponsored program which is provided at no cost to the employee (i.e., without what the CFPB has deemed a “finance charge”) would not require such disclosures.Continue Reading CFPB Proposes Interpretive Rule Characterizing Earned Wage Access Products as Loans

On June 28, Pennsylvania took a significant step to enhance its data protection framework by updating the Breach of Personal Information Notification Act through the enactment of SB 824. This new legislation revises the older 2005 law and places a stronger emphasis on the security of digital data. It also introduces more stringent guidelines for notifying consumers and relevant authorities following a data breach.Continue Reading Pennsylvania Amends Data Protection Requirements with Revised Breach Notification Act

On July 10, the CFPB announced proposed rules for mortgage servicers, aimed at helping homeowners avoid foreclosures. The new rules, which would modify RESPA and Regulation X’s existing mortgage servicing framework, are designed to streamline the process for obtaining mortgage assistance, and incentivize servicers to prioritize borrower aid over foreclosure.Continue Reading CFPB Proposes Revamped RESPA Mortgage Servicing Rules

On July 2, the CFPB released its Summer 2024 Supervisory Highlights, which focused on the servicing and collection of consumer debt. The report shared key findings from recent supervisory examinations of auto and student loan servicing companies and debt collectors. In addition, the report highlighted issues with deposit and prepaid accounts, with a focus on medical credit card practices. Continue Reading Latest CFPB Supervisory Highlights Focuses on Servicing and Debt Collection Practices

On June 28, the FTC announced it had filed an action in federal court against a California-based student debt relief enterprise for deceptive practices, including unlawfully obtaining advance fees for debt relief, and pretending to be affiliated with the Department of Education for engaging new customers. The U.S. District Court for the Central District of California entered a temporary restraining order on June 24 against the defendants.Continue Reading FTC Files Action Against Student Debt Relief Enterprise

An Oklahoma-based bank has been hit with a consent order from the FDIC after posting significant losses in its first year of operation. On June 28, the FDIC announced that it took an enforcement action against the bank mandating it to increase its capital reserves, revise its business strategy, and implement technology-based audit policies.Continue Reading Oklahoma Bank Faces FDIC Consent Order

On June 25, the CFPB issued its annual fair lending report covering its fair lending activity in 2023. The Bureau noted that in 2023 it undertook 28 fair lending examinations and announced four enforcement actions. It separately referred 18 matters to the Department of Justice. Continue Reading Key Takeaways from the CFPB’s 2023 Fair Lending Report

On June 14, the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) released a cease and desist order against an Arkansas-based banking-as-a-service (BaaS) provider for compliance and risk management failures. As part of the order, the bank is prohibited, without prior approval, from (i) establishing any new fintech partners, subsidiaries, business lines, products, programs, services, or program managers, or (ii) offer new products, programs, or services to an existing fintech partner, program manager, or subsidiary.Continue Reading Federal Reserve Board Issues Cease and Desist Order Against Banking-As-A-Service Provider

On June 25, the CFPB released a formal action to extend the compliance deadlines for its Section 1071 small business lending rule (previously discussed here, here, and here). Once issued, the rule was challenged in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas and stayed pending the Supreme Court’s decision in CFPB v. CFSA. After the Bureau prevailed at the Supreme Court, the federal court ordered the Bureau to extend the compliance deadline to compensate for the stay. Continue Reading CFPB Extends Compliance Deadline for Section 1071 Rule