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The Lafayette City Council has unanimously approved filing for a grant to help increase the city’s affordable housing stock to meet state and regional goals. The funds sought by the city are offered through the Local Planning Capacity Grant Fund Program by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

Long Range Planning Manager Phil Kleisler said Lafayette currently has approximately 750 affordable units, prior to Willoughby Corner opening. The city needs approximately 1,000 more to meet the Boulder County-wide goal of having 12% of the city’s housing stock be affordable by 2035. Kleiser said that the 12% goal is a moving target, as the number is likely to change as any developments in the city take place and certificates of occupancy are issued.

Kleisler clarified that those numbers do not take into account Willoughby Corner, which will feature 400 affordable units.

In July 2023, the city also committed to Proposition 123, requiring Lafatyette to create or convert 115 units into affordable housing by 2027.

“If awarded, (the grant) would provide the necessary staff support to implement some of the key action items of the strategic plan, really focused on laying a strong foundation for our existing affordable housing program” Kleisler said.

Lafayette hopes to use grant money to hire consultants to create a roadmap for the city’s housing program, and craft regulations such as an ordinance to help expedite affordable housing projects, or an ordinance requiring developers to create a set amount of affordable units as affordable. The grant would also help the city manage its current affordable housing.

The city is requesting $192,000 from the grant and the total cost for the project is $240,000 over two years, with the city contributing 20% — or $48,000. The city’s contribution would come from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which allows for administrative costs necessary to manage the housing program.

Mayor pro tem Brian Wong was not in attendance.

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