Israel // Observer to the Parliamentary Assembly

The parliament of Israel - the Knesset - was granted observer status with the Parliamentary Assembly on 2 December 1957 and is represented by a delegation of three members.

What is observer status?


The Council of Europe and non-member states

Apart from its 46 member States, the Council of Europe has close links with numerous non-member states, five of which have observer status with the organisation: the Holy See (1970), the United States of America, Canada and Japan (1996) and Mexico (1999).

The Council's relations with non-member states across the world enable it extend its activities and its reach to all corners of the globe. More than 45 non-member states are parties to Council of Europe conventions, or associated with it as members or observers of or participants in partial agreements such as the Venice Commission and the North-South Centre. More and more of the Council of Europe's legal instruments are drawn up in consultation with interested non-member states.


Council of Europe observer status

Non-European countries have the opportunity to co-operate with the Council, to accept its guiding principles of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms and to send observers to its expert committees and conferences of specialised ministers. Since September 2006, observer states have also been entitled to send representatives to observe the regular meetings of the Council's Ministers' Deputies, and to appoint permanent observers to the Council of Europe. Observer status is governed by Statutory Resolution (93) 26, adopted by the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers on 14 May 1993.

 Statutory Resolution (93) 26 of the Committee of Ministers

 Invitation to observer states to participate in the regular meetings of the Ministers' Deputies

 Criteria for the granting of observer status

 Website of the Council of Europe's external relations 


Observer status within the Parliamentary Assembly

The national parliaments of Israel (1957), Canada (1997) and Mexico (1999) send observers to the Assembly. Members of observer delegations may sit in the Assembly but without the right to vote. They have the right to speak with the authorisation of the President of the Assembly.

The Israeli Knesset was granted this status in 1957 on an ad hoc basis, even before its official adoption by the Assembly in 1961. The parliaments of Canada (in 1997) and Mexico (in 1999) were awarded this status under rule 60 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure.

 Rule 62 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure

Art and donations

The Council of Europe’s various buildings are home to an extensive collection of works of art. Member and non-member states, regional and local authorities, and even artists themselves have donated works of art to the Council. These gifts symbolise their donors’ attachment to one of the oldest of Europe’s political organisations. They are a tangible expression of support for an organisation that views human rights as the focal point of society, as well as acknowledging that creative artists play a vital part in shaping attitudes and behaviour.

Peace and Life

by Yaacov Agam

Set of two kinetic panels - serigraphy
Donated by Israel in 1977

Israel and the Council of Europe

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

The Union of Local Authorities in Israel has also observer status with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities since June 1994.

Council of Europe committees

 Steering Committees and ad hoc Committees where Israel participates (Page 24)

Council of Europe Treaties

 Treaties ratified and/or signed by Israel

Partial Agreements

 Partial Agreements of which Israel is a member / an observer.

Reference site

 Ministry of Foreign Affairs