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About the programme

Council of Europe Programme “Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine” is aimed at strengthening good democratic governance and public administration (system of multi-level governance) in Ukraine at all levels in line with European values and standards during the war and in a post-war context.

The Programme is implemented by the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” 2023-2026.

The duration of the Programme: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024

The Programme is composed of the three inter-related components:

  1. Improvement of legislative framework in the field compliant with the European standards and good practice.
  2. Delivery of quality public services to population by local authorities, with specific focus on metropolitan areas.
  3. Strengthening general public’s demand for good democratic governance and public administration, compliant with the European standards and good practice.

  The Programme's Facebook Page 

How the programme works?
What do we expect to achieve?
  • Multi-level governance system improved in line with the European standards and values in volatile context.
  • Local authorities are better qualified, equipped and willing to improve public services delivery to population.
  • General population is better aware and seeking European standards and good practices of multi-level governance in Ukraine.
Project team

Olga Shevchuk, Programme Manager

Andriy Guk, Senior Project Officer

Kateryna Sasina, Project Officer

Oksana Totovytska, Project Officer

Anastasiia Deresh, Project Assistant

Kateryna Yevtushenko, Project Assistant

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