
Color and Spice: The Beauty Secrets of Istanbul

Sonia Kashuk's "Grand Bazaar" collection was inspired by the colors, smells, and textures of Turkey's biggest city.
Image may contain Human Person Market Bazaar and Shop

For beauty mogul Sonia Kashuk, who is known for making the best makeup brushes in town, travel is a constant source of inspiration. Kashuk and her husband recently returned from a long-awaited trip to Istanbul, where she got inspiration for her latest makeup and accessories collection, Grand Bazaar. She spoke to Condé Nast Travelerabout books, beauty, and her favorite hotel bars.

What were the highlights of your trip to Istanbul?

The first day we went to the Chora Church, which has incredible mosaics. We went to Istanbul 360, where the views are so amazing, and Pandelli, which is this beautiful, famous old-world restaurant on top of the Spice Bazaar. That was a great experience... walking up the teeny-tiny steps and looking out the windows. Between the coffee, dates, chocolate, nuts, spices, and the colors—it was all so inspiring. I loved walking through the Grand Bazaar. There are so many little shops with all these antiques, and there's so much color. When we started putting together the colors and the patterns, it reminded me of that warmth, the visual cues that I was seeing.The criss cross plaid [used throughout the collection] was inspired by the pathways in the bazaar. All the colors took me from the Spice Market to the Grand Bazaar.

Besides plenty of ideas, what did you bring back with you?

There was an old gallery we went to where I bought a couple of paintings. I found these two paintings from an artist who had recently died. They’re from the ‘70s, and the color and form are so fascinating. The Ala Turka house is a tiny antique dealer, four or five stories high. There are so many beautiful things. I saw a brush handle, I saw a color. To me, there’s inspiration everywhere, but when you get out to these beautiful cities with charm and history, so much manifests in my mind and it just starts going. They fill my soul, and it’s so much easier to start ideating about a collection.

Pieces from Sonia Kashuk's Grand Bazaar collection.

Courtesy Sonia Kashuk

What's your travel uniform?

I like to be comfortable. A T-shirt, sweatpants, some kind of cashmere blanket, and a jacket, because no matter what, it always seems like it’s freezing. I never really eat on planes. I take an Ambien on overnight flights. I drink a lot of water, no alcohol. I can actually sleep on planes, so I’m very lucky. I go into The Zone with a book. If I load up a stack of magazines, I’m good for a few hours.

Kindle, iPad, or book?

I’m definitely a book [person]. I have a smaller computer, so it’s travel-friendly. I just read the new Elon Musk book. I loved it.

What's your jet lag remedy?

I find it easier coming home, because you can get into your own bed. As long as I work out and stay up and get some work done–I try not to sleep when I get there. I remember once being in China and it was so painful, the jet lag was horrendous. But in India, for some reason, it was totally fine.

Do you have a favorite hotel bar?

The old bar at the Ritz Paris. Harry’s Bar in Venice is iconic and fun to go to. In Milan, we’re always at the Four Seasons bar. I’ve been going there for years because I do a lot of work there, and it feels like a family. Everyone loves hanging out there. It’s great for people watching.

Where are you headed next?

Buenos Aires, Uruguay, and Cuba. I’m also interested in getting to Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, seeing Angkor Wat. I love to travel, but I like going where there’s a difference in culture. When you knock off the wonders of the world, Macchu Picchu or the Taj Mahal–they’re incredible–it makes me go even crazier to continue to travel. As I get older, I want to make sure I’m seeing everything. I’m so interested in sharing it with my kids.