• John Bernal was a Tesla employee who showed FSD Beta to the world on his YouTube channel, AI Addict. He was fired in February.
  • He says he never showed unreleased products or company secrets, but some of his videos showed the system not working perfectly.
  • His access to FSD Beta has been cut off despite having no safety "strikes" in the software.

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John Bernal, the creator of AI Addict on YouTube.

Tesla has fired a former Autopilot employee named John Bernal after he shared candid video reviews on his YouTube channel, AI Addict, showing how the company's Full Self Driving Beta system worked in different locations around Silicon Valley.

Following Bernal's dismissal, Tesla also cut off his access to the FSD Beta system in the vehicle he personally owns, a 2021 Tesla Model 3, despite having no safety "strikes" in the software. He still has FSD, Tesla's premium driver assistance software. Tesla's technology does not make its cars autonomous today.

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