​Jennifer Knowles

Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2014

Legislative Analyst, Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission

Jennifer Knowles is the Legislative Analyst for the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. The Commission was created to conduct a review of military compensation and retirement systems. Prior to the Commission, she served as the Assistant for the Personnel Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee for four years, providing support and research on DOD personnel policy and programs, including compensation, benefits, military health care and wounded warrior issues. She also assisted on markup and conference of National Defense Authorization Act, hearings and floor debates. Previously, Ms. Knowles worked as a Staff Assistant for Senator Jack Reed (RI) and later as his Legislative Correspondent, preparing constituent correspondence related to veterans’ affairs and foreign aid.

Ms. Knowles completed her Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, with a focus in irregular warfare and special operation forces. In addition, she has completed the Air Command Staff College and a certification with the National Defense University. She graduated from the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia where she earned her B.A. in Political Science and International Affairs.