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Sanctions 2018: Sanctions in an Era of Political Uncertainty

Nov 8, 2017

London, UK (This event is invitation only)

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS), in collaboration with RUSI and the Center on Law and Security, NYU School of Law, will convene experts to examine and discuss the sanctions landscape for 2018. 

The event will explore how political uncertainties may impact sanctions policy, how this policy misalignment may challenge the private sector, and how the sanctions landscape might evolve in 2018 amid new, emerging security threats and geopolitical tensions. 

Multi- and unilateral sanctions have been deployed ever more frequently in 2017. The international community adopted the toughest sanctions yet against North Korea amid growing tensions on the Korean peninsula; Europe and the US have diverged in their opinion of the future trajectory of sanctions against Russia and Iran; Venezuela is subject to new US financial sanctions; regional sanctions have been applied in the Gulf dispute; and sanctions continue to be used as a tool to respond to terrorism.

The panel will include sanctions experts from RUSI, CNAS, NYU School of Law, as well as public and private sector representatives.

This event is invitation only. For more information or to register please contact Allana Howard [email protected].