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Dedicated to the Safety and Security of the Nation

One Mission

CNA is an independent, nonprofit research and analysis organization dedicated to the safety and security of the nation. With a staff of more than 650, we bring scientific rigor to the protection of our citizens, our infrastructure, and our national interests. For more than 80 years, our real-world approach to data has enabled public sector leaders to navigate complexity with confidence, make informed decisions, and drive meaningful change in their organizations.

The Center for Naval Analyses informs the decisions of Navy, Marine Corps and DOD leaders as the Department of the Navy’s federally funded research and development center, or FFRDC. CNA’s unique Field Program embeds scientists in commands around the world. Our analytical expertise ranges from great power competition to fighter pilot tactics.

The Institute for Public Research helps federal, state and local leaders address their most difficult challenges, from eliminating racial bias in policing to recovering from hurricanes. Our analysts have expertise in justice, public health, emergency response and other critical fields. The FAA, FEMA, DHS and DOJ have worked with CNA for decades.

The Department of the Navy and Strategic Competition with the People's Republic of China

A Navy and Marine Corps built to win wars must also prepare for peacetime competition with China. At the request of the Chief of Staff to the Secretary of the Navy, a large team of CNA analysts developed recommendations to prepare the naval services for competition. We prioritized strengthening maritime dominance, building a culture of warfighting excellence, and enhancing strategic partnerships.