Goldie Hawn and her longtime partner, Kurt Russell, are falling out of love — with Los Angeles. During a recent interview on the podcast “Let’s Talk Off Camera” with Kelly Ripa, Goldie confessed she’s “never without a guard” after two scary home invasions. One night, after returning from dinner with Kurt, Goldie discovered that burglars “had broken in from the balcony to our bedroom, our closets. They completely knocked down my door, which is a safe door, so they’re very, very sophisticated, and they got a lot of my goodies, if you know what I mean.”

Only four months later, “I hear this big thump upstairs — and I was alone, Kurt wasn’t there — and I went, ‘What the hell was that?’” The actress, 78, later discovered robbers were trying to get into her bedroom while she was in the house. Now, the couple are considering a move. “What if we couldn’t live in L.A., where would we live? We both decided, I think it’s Palm Desert,” said Goldie. “It’s so safe.”