Just because we should socially distance ourselves to stop the spread of coronavirus, doesn’t mean we have to be bored at home. By creating an itinerary, Pink found a great way to have fun with her two kids — Willow, 8, and Jameson, 3 — and she shared all the great details on Instagram on Monday, March 16.

“We’re sending our love from home. I wanted to share something really cool a friend sent to me. I got it as a picture in a text, but it’s how to make a schedule for your family. So I did that this morning with Willow’s help,” she said while showing off her daughter’s creation in a video.

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Part one!

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Pink, 40, then explained how the itinerary works. “So we wake up before 9:00 a.m., and we go on our morning walk if we can. Yoga, if it’s raining. Academic time, creative time, lunch, chore time,” she said while reading off the list. “And then bedtime at 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. depending on if you don’t fight with your brother.”

At the end of the clip, Pink asked her fans for book recommendations because she needed something a little more upbeat. She also told her followers to remain calm while staying indoors because they can still connect with each other through social media. “This is a crazy time but we have each other, so let’s figure out a way to talk to each other and connect and be kind — and I’ll do my best to be kind too,” she said. “I love you all. We’re gonna get through this.”

After seeing the video, Reese Witherspoon commented, “I love you, Mama!! You know I have a good book [recommendation] for you.” Pink’s fans also loved her idea to make an itinerary for their loved ones. 

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“That’s a great idea. Keeps family in a routine and gives the kids direction,” one of her followers said. Another added, “This is wonderful. I hope people use this time with their families wisely and cherish it!”

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