“No thanks, mom!” is basically what Nicole Kidman‘s 10-year-old daughter, Sunday, told her when she offered to put one of her Big Little Lies Emmy trophies in her room. The actress took home two awards for, one for producing and one for acting, in the HBO show, and when she recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, she hilariously explained how her kids didn’t want anything to do with her accolades.

“When I won the Emmy for Big Little Lies,” she said, “I was like, ‘OK, I can put one on your shelf, Sunday, and one on your shelf, Faith, and they’re yours.’” Nicole had everything figured out, but she didn’t expect Sunday and her seven-year-old daughter, Faith, to have different plans. “Sunday didn’t want it.’ She said, ‘Oh, I want to earn my own,’” Nicole revealed. “I’m like, ‘You go, girl!’”

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When Nicole, 51, won her two Emmys for BLL, it was one of the proudest moments in her career. In her acceptance speech, she said, “I also am a mother and wife. I have two little girls, Sunny and Faith, and my darling Keith [Urban], who I ask to help me pursue this artistic path and they have to sacrifice so much for it.”

“So this is yours. I want my little girls to have this on their shelf and to go, every time my mama didn’t put me to bed, it’s because of this! I got something!” she joked. Looks like Faith and Sunday didn’t let their mom live out the last part of her speech, but at least Nicole can tell her colleagues that her little girls will be making a cameo appearance on BLL Season 2.

“Yeah, they’re around a lot and I sometimes can’t tell when they’re actually in a scene or just hanging out,” Nicole’s co-star Zoe Kravitz recently revealed to Entertainment Tonight. “But they’re so sweet and really really smart. You can tell they were raised by Nicole.”