When they get together, Carnie Wilson and her father, the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson, bond over the things they love. “We talk about our favorite music artists. It’s what he and I love to talk about,” Carnie ​exclusively tells Closer. “And food. He loves my mac and cheese, so I bring that over to him.”

Carnie’s passion for food and music plays a central role in her new cooking series, Sounds Delicious with Carnie Wilson. “It is an actual dream come true for me,” Carnie, 56, tells Closer. “I am just blown away by how much this show is exactly what I envisioned. It’s like somebody pulled up a stool at the counter of my kitchen. We’re cooking together, laughing and being crazy, and acknowledging the music. The combination of music and food is so me and my life.”

On ‘Sounds Delicious with Carnie Wilson’, you host famous friends from the music industry for dinner.

“It’s like being one-on-one. We’re talking individually, and each guest offers something unique.”

You’ve been very public about your weight-loss journey. How does your relationship with food influence the show?

“It doesn’t really have anything to do with the show. I’ve always cooked, whether I’m at my heaviest, my thinnest or today. Some foods I will eat, some I won’t. All I want to do is cook for other people. That’s how I get my true joy. My enjoyment is seeing people eat the food I make. The show is really about the passion for cooking and food and how lucky we all are to have great food to celebrate.”

Growing up, did you realize your dad was a famous singer with the Beach Boys?

“Yeah, of course. I remember being onstage when I was very young – 6 years old – and all these people are screaming and clapping. I loved the music, too. The love and the joy that the music was bringing to people made me very proud.”

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How has your relationship changed with your father over the years?

“My parents were divorced when I was young, so that was unfortunate. But my mom really kept us on track. I went to a very good school and was very into the arts from an early age. Years later, [my father and I] reunited through music. Music is the common thread and the backbone of our relationship.”

Your dad has had some health issues. How is he doing these days?

“He’s going to be 82, and he’s doing very well. He’s had two major spinal surgeries, so he doesn’t walk as well, but he’s on his recumbent bike every day. He’s still got a funny sense of humor. He’s a strong man. We were singing to each other, and he feels the love around him. He’s keeping active and busy, and I think he’s doing great.”

Do you follow a specific eating plan these days?

“I just don’t eat sugar or gluten. The weight stuff is just a part of my life – always has been, always will be. I feel like I am in a healthier place with it. I don’t struggle on a daily basis when I see food that is tempting. I know if I eat that, I am going to feel [ bad]. I am going to want more, and the cycle is going to start again. It’s like sobriety for me, I take it one day at a time.”

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned?

“My children have taught me a lot. Focus on gratitude for what we’ve got instead of what we’re wanting or missing. Patience — that’s a big one for me. Sometimes I have to tell myself to slow down and savor the moments. It’s like people who eat really fast and mindlessly. I’m trying to be like, ‘Slow down. Look at this food. Admire it. You know it’s beautiful. Enjoy it.’ Know it’s a blessing instead of the mindless [stuff ] we do every moment.”

You’ve been sober for more than 20 years. How did that change your life?

“Well, I would be dead. There’s no question. I had a gastric bypass. I was told, ‘If you drink too much alcohol, there’s different kind of filters happening. It goes straight to your liver.” So, when I started drinking too much, it was terrifying. But you get sober when you’re ready. Sobriety has helped me become clearer. There’s a physical part of it and a spiritual part. Every single day in my sobriety, I have to be of service. And I have to be on my knees. I pray every day to a higher power. I call it HP. I’m like, ‘Thank you for today. Thank you for my sobriety.’”

What are you proudest of?

“I’m proud of my daughters. I’m proud that I decided to have children. I’m so grateful I have them in my lives and who they are. They’re pretty good people, my children and my husband.”

How about in your career?

“I’m proud that I decided to work really hard in my musical career. I’m proud that I jumped on the bandwagon and had a talk show years ago when there were 22 new talk shows. I try not to regret anything that I do. I try to keep my heart in it.”

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Are there any thoughts of a Wilson Phillips reunion?

“We’re not in the studio now, but we are still touring. We have three shows in July. We’ll be at the California State Fair in Sacramento on July 13. That’s going to be a great show. The music of Wilson Phillips is really special to me and to many people. So, I’m very grateful that it’s inspired a lot of people to hang on and hold on.”

What’s on your bucket list?

“I would love to record an album with my daughters. That’s the dream, to be in the studio with them. And I hope to continue with Sounds Delicious. I would love it if Elton John and Paul McCartney came on the show. I want Adele, Billie Eilish, Harry Styles and even Barry Manilow to come on. I want a big party.”

How would you describe this time of your life?

“Glorious, surreal and very, very real at the same time. It’s because I’m present. I feel like it’s really carpe diem, and I’m ready to go for it and I’m embracing it. I hope the show inspires people to cook, feel good and just have fun.”