Assistant principal at Cocoa school accused of having lewd pictures of former student

Devane Nicholi Lonard Clarke, 25, worked at Cambridge Elementary, police say

Devane Nicholi Lonard Clarke, 25 (Copyright 2024 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)

COCOA, Fla. – An assistant principal at Cambridge Elementary faced a judge Friday after police said he confessed to exchanging lewd texts and photos with a former student.

Devane Nicholi Lonard Clarke, 25, was arrested Thursday.

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According to a probable cause affidavit, Cocoa police received a tip from Palm Bay police after someone brought in an Apple Watch with lewd photos of a girl.

Cocoa officers then went to Cambridge Elementary to speak with Clarke, records show.

Investigators said the man turned over his phone and consented to a search of the device. Officers said they were able to recover 11,000 deleted text messages between Clarke and the victim, a former student of his. The texts included lewd conversations and explicit photos, records show.

Officers said they confronted Clarke with the texts and he confessed to the abuse.

Clarke faces charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, lewd solicitation of a child by computer and offense against a student by an authority figure.

A judge granted Clarke a $31,000 bond. Clarke had bonded out as of Sunday morning.

News 6 has reached out to the Brevard County school district for comment on the arrest. This story will be updated if we receive a statement.

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About the Author

Thomas Mates is a Streaming Executive Producer for News 6 and He also produces the podcast Florida Foodie. Thomas is originally from Northeastern Pennsylvania and worked in Portland, Oregon before moving to Central Florida in August 2018. He graduated from Temple University with a degree in Journalism in 2010.

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