Feel the Bern: Welcome to Detroit, Monty Williams! Now fix the Pistons

Phoenix Suns head coach Monty Williams watches during the first half of Game 6 of an NBA basketball Western Conference semifinal game against the Denver Nuggets, Thursday, May 11, 2023, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York) (Matt York, Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

The Pistons are set to officially announce Monty Williams as their new head coach on Tuesday. He will replace Dwayne Casey, who held that job for the past couple of years.

Williams has now moved into the Pistons’ front office to help resurrect this franchise. The Pistons have barely shown a pulse over the past several years.

So, can Monty Williams do it? Can he make everyone forget how bad the Pistons have been as of late?

The answer is: if they get more quality players. But that’s going to be a long, tedious process.

The Pistons don’t have a ton of assets they want to give up to get more assets they don’t want to give up. And before you know it, you’re giving up.

No one is giving up on the Pistons, but you have to remember, it takes terrific players to make a terrific team. And you need a coach who can put it all together. The Pistons have the coach in Monty Williams, but now comes the hard part: finding players that can make a difference on your team.

This is not an overnight process. As a matter of fact, it’s going to take a lot of overnights to make the Pistons viable again. The definition of viable is “capable of working successfully.”

Now that would be a great start!

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