Feel the Bern: Who needs Wembanyama, anyway?

FILE - Boulogne-Levallois' Victor Wembanyama celebrates after a dunk against Lyon-Villeurbanne during a basketball game in Levallois, France, Jan. 9, 2023. On Sunday, May 7, 2023, he played before a crowd of about 15,000 fans in Paris as part of his farewell tour before coming to the NBA. Wembanyama is about a week away from learning which team will be picking him in the NBA Draft. (AP Photo/Michel Euler, File) (Michel Euler, Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

DETROIT – Today we talk about the fallout from last night’s NBA lottery.

The Pistons were in position to get the number one overall pick which would have meant they were going to take Victor Wembanyama of France.

He’s 7 feet 4 inches tall with a wingspan of a 737 in flight. He’s the flavor of the decade which meant everyone wanted him, including the Pistons.

So the lottery got going and things looked great! For a while! Great until they opened the envelope for the 5th pick and the Pistons logo was inside. Dreams of number one were gone, and it was back to figuring out how to sell this as a positive for Detroit.

You can’t. But General Manager Troy Weaver, much to his credit, tried. He said the team won’t cry over spilt milk. But it’s hard to not shed a tear when the entire dairy went up in flames.

So the Pistons missed out on their chance to select the number one prospect the league has ever seen since LeBron James in 2003. That’s what the experts said. Wembanyama is going to San Antonio. They got the number one overall.

And what are the Pistons left with? Dreams of Darko? Ouch! Next year? Even more painful because that would mean they’re in the lottery again.

Wondering out loud if Wembanyama has a brother? Just wondering...

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