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Best practices Case Study

Happy Numbers doubles reach in K-5 schools

October 19, 2023 Emilie Murphy

Edtech app, Happy Numbers, began their partnership with Clever in 2017 when looking for a solution that would streamline rostering and access for their customers, both existing and new. They started with 50 schools on Clever, and have since grown to serve over 2,000,000 students and teachers. Clever’s single sign-on and automated rostering enables them to boost operational efficiency with a lean team.


data sharing on Clever


growth in student activations with Clever


students and teachers on Clever

Challenge: A lean implementation team faces sudden surge in customers

Happy Numbers experienced substantial growth during the pandemic in 2020. This surge in customers underscored the need for an efficient rollout of their program to a large audience of teachers and students. Before Clever, their Implementations Team worked with schools to manually match their rostering needs and formats. They were often using .csv files, which meant that rolling out their tools to millions of students could take over a week for each individual customer. What’s more, keeping rosters up-to-date required a lot of manual work for an already overburdened team.

Solution: Customers gain access within 24 hours

By partnering with Clever, Happy Numbers was able to meet increased demand without expanding their team, or impacting customer service. They securely automate the process of rostering with their customers so that data sharing is instantaneous and they can roll out Happy Numbers within 16-24 hours. Here’s how they do it:

  1. Their integrations team sends customers an invitation to connect via the Clever Dashboard that includes recommended data sharing rules
  2. The district approves data sharing. Then, the Happy Numbers integrations team apply any necessary filters to ensure only the correctly licensed schools and classes are shared. 
  3. The connection is launched, and teachers and students can start logging in.

With Clever’s data cleansing capabilities, Happy Numbers and their districts are always on the same page about how data is represented. Moreover, with Clever’s Single Sign-On (SSO) and Badges, students and teachers can effortlessly access the platform, eliminating the hassle of juggling multiple passwords.

Impact: Happy Numbers doubles its user base and improves onboarding experience with existing team of 5

Streamlined implementation: This partnership relieves the burden of navigating intricate technical implementations so the Happy Numbers team can focus on providing optimal math learning experiences for students. Clever streamlines and standardizes the process for their customer success team, ensuring everybody is on the same page. They have been able to maintain a lean implementation team of 5, while doubling their user base on Clever through facilitated discovery of their application. 

Improved onboarding for schools: They have also significantly reduced the onboarding time for hundreds of thousands of educators and districts to just 24 hours in the majority of cases. They are able to do this for new customers, and during annual renewals with long-term customers to switch them from manual rostering to automated rostering via Clever. 

Doubled user base: With district administrators approving usage of Happy Numbers on Clever, and seamlessly making it available to teachers via the Clever Portal, adoption among teachers and students has accelerated rapidly to more than double Happy Numbers’ total user base, and increasing student activations 1.5x. Teachers in approved districts can launch the application for their class at the click of a button, saving countless hours of instruction time. What’s more, teachers can easily discover Happy Numbers through the Clever Library by browsing thousands of glowing reviews from their peers, launch it instantly for their class even if their district is not yet a customer, providing a valuable upsell channel for the Happy Numbers team to continue growing their customer base.

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