Presidential vacations: Which commander in chief took the most time off?


Carolyn Kaster, Associated Press

Trump is taking a 17-day vacation at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey

WASHINGTON -- If Congress can take a vacation in August, why can’t President Donald Trump?

On Friday, the nation’s Chief Executive left Washington for a 17-day “working vacation” at the golf club he owns in Bedminster, New Jersey.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walters said Trump had to leave the West Wing for two weeks while its heating and air conditioning system is replaced. Staff must also leave the building, Walters said, “because I don’t think any of you would like to be in the West Wing in an August D.C. summer day when it’s over 100 degrees with no air conditioning.”

Walters assured reporters that Trump “will continue to work over the next two weeks.” He’ll hold meetings in New Jersey and make official visits to other states. But Trump is still taking heat for leaving Washington.

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Trump denounced Obama for taking vacations

During his run for the presidency, Trump regularly denounced his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, as a "habitual vacationer." He complained Obama is "always campaigning or on vacation," and maintained that Obama's departures from Washington hurt his ability to govern.

He promised not to take many vacations if elected president. He even expressed scorn for vacationing in a tweet that predated his presidential campaign: "Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job." -- Think Like A Billionaire"

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Lynne Sladky, Associated Press

So far, Trump has vacationed more than Obama

But the new Republican president has been a more enthusiastic vacationer, so far, than the man he criticized.

Since his inauguration, Trump visited his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida (pictured here) seven times, spending all or part of 25 days there, according to CBS News White House reporter Mark Knoller, who keeps meticulous vacation statistics on the presidents he’s covered. His tallies include weekend days that presidents are away from Washington.

Before departing for his latest trip, Trump had already spent 14 days at the New Jersey resort, and two days at the presidential Camp David retreat in rural Maryland, Knoller said.

By Knoller’s reckoning, Trump vacationed far more than Obama did at this point in his presidency, although he was gone less than Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush.

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Screenshot from Twitter

George W. Bush took more vacation time than both of them

When Obama had been in office the same amount of time as Trump, he'd spent four days in his Chicago hometown and 17 days at Camp David in eight separate visits, according to Knoller.

Bush's vacationing tally was higher than both of them at the same point in his presidency. Knoller says Bush went to Camp David 13 times, spending 39 days. He made six visits to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, where he spent 39 days. There was also a single visit to his family’s compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he spent four days.

Trump is being called a hypocrite for taking more vacation time than Obama. Others complain his travels have soaked taxpayers for travel and security expenses, and that he uses the trips to market his vacation resorts.

Trump says he's spending his time in New Jersey doing presidential business.

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Manuel Balce Ceneta, Associated Press

Barack Obama took 328 vacation days in eight years

Like Trump, all presidents say they work during their time away from Washington.

It's too early to predict how Trump will stack up in the presidential vacation pantheon at the end of his term.

But we can tell you how many days his predecessors took before they left office. And despite Trump's Twitter tirades over his vacationing, Obama took comparatively few days off.

Obama, took 29 vacation trips spanning all or part of 235 days, according to Knoller. He also made 39 visits to Camp David, that totaled all or part of 93 days. That's a grand total of 328 days over eight years.

Many of his trips were to Martha's Vineyard, where he's pictured during a 2016 vacation. He also made several trips to Hawaii, where he was raised.

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Eric Draper, Associated Press

George W. Bush took 1,020 vacation days while in office

During the eight years he spent in office, George W. Bush was a more enthusiastic presidential vacationer than Obama. He favored visits to his ranch in Texas, where he'd clear brush to relax.

"I'm able to clear my mind, and it helps me put it all in perspective," he told the Associated Press on one of those visits.

Bush loved his ranch so much that he traveled there 77 times while he was president, spending all or part of 490 days, Knoller says. As a dutiful son, Bush also made 11 visits to his parents' house in Kennebunkport, Maine, which Knoller says spanned all or part of 43 days.

He also made 149 visits to Camp David, where he spent all or part of 487 days. Grand total: 1,020 days away from the White House.

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Charles Krupa, Associated Press

Bill Clinton took 345 vacation days in eight years

Democrat Bill Clinton took only slightly more vacation days than Obama during his eight years in office, says Knoller: 345. Clinton made 54 visits to Camp David, where he spent all or part of 171 days. And he spent 174 days on other vacations. Like Obama, he favored Martha's Vineyard, where he's pictured taking a boat ride with former CBS Anchor Walter Cronkite. He also made several visits to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

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Rick Bowmer, Associated Press

George H. W. Bush took 543 vacation days during his term

Taking tons of vacation time seems to run in the Bush family. Bush 41 - otherwise known as George H. W. Bush - took 543 vacation days in his four-year term, according to a tally by National Public Radio. The Republican spent much of his time off at Camp David, and at the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, near where this fishing photo was taken.

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Doug Mills, Associated Press

Ronald Reagan took 335 vacation days during his White House years

President Ronald Reagan spent 335 days at his beloved ranch in Santa Barbara, California ranch during his eight-year presidency, Knoller says. While there, the Republican enjoyed horseback riding, chopping wood and clearing brush. He's pictured here after his last California vacation as president, with then-first lady Nancy Reagan.

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Associated Press

Jimmy Carter took 79 vacation days

Reagan's predecessor, Democrat Jimmy Carter, didn't take much time off during his four years in the White House: just 79 days. He spent most of those breaks at his home in Plains, Georgia. This 1978 photo shows him in Georgia, arriving at a party for his brother, Billy.

(Associated Press)

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