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From City Journal’s Symposium Series

Fighting the Oldest Hate

A symposium on anti-Semitism in the United States

Symposium: An Economic Agenda for the Next President

Proposals to reinvigorate American dynamism, innovation, and self-sufficiency

Symposium: A New Anticrime Agenda

Proposals for reversing America’s criminal-justice decline


City Journal’s 10 Blocks podcast features rich conversations on public policy and culture with host Brian C. Anderson.

In the Risk Talking podcast, host Allison Schrager—economist, journalist, and author—discusses cutting-edge economics in plain language.

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The Drug Legalization Disaster

Steven Malanga The Marijuana Delusion

States rush to legalize recreational pot, even as evidence of its harms grows.

Jul 26 2023
Jeffrey H. Anderson Biden’s Destructive Pot Gambit

The White House is set to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug, dismissing Obama-era findings in the process.

Jun 04 2024
Charles Fain Lehman Half Baked

Among the bad options offered by a bad idea—marijuana legalization—state-run stores might be the least bad.

Jan 19 2024
Charles Fain Lehman This Is Your City on Fentanyl

Oregon’s decriminalization law has transformed large parts of Portland’s downtown into an open-air drug market.

Naomi Schaefer Riley Parenting While High

As de facto drug legalization expands, substance abuse is driving a child-welfare crisis.

May 30 2023
Nicole Gelinas New Vice City

Gotham’s post-pandemic economic-development strategy: gambling and weed

Steven Malanga The New Weed Whackers

An exploding black market in states that legalized pot has sparked another government war on marijuana.

Oct 24 2022
Judge Glock Subsidizing Addiction

The government pays homeless addicts to stay on drugs and alcohol.

Steven Malanga Marijuana’s Black Market 2.0

Contrary to advocates’ promises, legalizing pot has spurred new illegal enterprises.

Jun 10 2019
Steven Malanga Stoned At Work

New York’s city council bans employers from testing for pot use, which will lead to nothing but trouble.

Apr 12 2019
Charles Fain Lehman Drug Fiends and Fools

A trendy new book recycles the same old case for normalizing drug use.

Jan 27 2021

The Spotlight

Pavlos Papadopoulos The Spiritedness of 1776

America is much more than merely “an idea”—but unless we recover that idea and an attachment to it, we cannot recover ourselves.

Jul 03 2023
Jul 04 2021
Catesby Leigh Monumental Ambitions

Rodney Cook, Jr.’s Atlanta project seeks to reinvigorate American civic art.

Heather Mac Donald Rational Fears of the Irrational

Concerns about future Covid lockdowns are conspiracy theories, insists the New York Times—but what credibility does the paper have to assure anyone?

Sep 18 2023
Nicole Gelinas Regressives

Unlike their predecessors of a century ago, New York’s progressives seem dedicated to destroying urban life.

John Tierney The Real War on Science

The Left has done far more than the Right to set back progress.

Theodore Dalrymple Sex and the Shakespeare Reader

Neither a utopian totalitarian nor a libertarian fundamentalist, the Bard offers no easy answers to the questions that have always confronted us.

Jeffrey H. Anderson A Border Crisis By Design

It is unequivocally the intended result of Biden administration policy.

Feb 02 2024
Lance Morrow D-Day, and a Summer of Anniversaries

Seventy-five years after the Normandy landings, reflections on America’s troubled subsequent history

Jun 05 2019
Jun 10 2019
Barry Latzer An Enduring Error

A half-century later, the Kerner Report’s fame overshadows its mistaken analysis of urban riots and blindness to racial progress.