CIS Benchmarks Community Volunteer Spotlight: Jay Mehta

CIS Benchmarks volunteers are critical contributors to cybersecurity, enabling the adaptation of safety measures and strategies across various platforms. They assist in developing consensus-based security best practices for systems and networks. These professionals ensure that organizations worldwide can equip their IT infrastructure with robust security controls. By reviewing and providing feedback on CIS Benchmarks, volunteers drive the continuous evolution of these globally recognized guidelines.

One such volunteer is Jay Mehta, Vice President and Chief Data Officer at CTIS, Inc. He has 34 years of professional experience in information technology with a focus on project management, Oracle database architecture/administration, and security/standards compliance. Mehta has been a member of the CIS Benchmarks community for eight years.

“Being a part of the CIS Community, and the CIS Benchmarks in particular, has allowed me to make a difference in the security posture of organizations across the world,” said Mehta.

Mehta’s expertise spans all facets of Oracle database architecture/administration with special interests in the areas of high availability, disaster/recovery, security, application tuning, and performance tuning. Likewise, he contributes to the CIS Community as Editor of the CIS Oracle Database Security Benchmarks.

Mehta values the connections he’s made with industry and security professionals, and he encourages others to join the CIS Benchmarks Community.

“It’s a win-win situation to be a part of the team that develops security controls,” he said. “Then you can implement them in your organization.”

Interested in becoming a volunteer like Jay Mehta?