Lawmakers making life harder for trans Ohioans. But we're not going anywhere | Letters

Letters to the editor
Cincinnati Enquirer
The Ohio House of Representatives recently passed a bill that regulates which restrooms Ohio students can use at school.

Late Wednesday night (June 26), I watched the Ohio House of Representatives use their last session before summer break and a legislative backdoor tactic to bully transgender and gender-nonconforming Ohioans, again. This bill regulates which restrooms Ohio students can use at school. As a 26-year-old graduate student, I find it absurd that my state government cares about this. More importantly, if this bill becomes law, it will inflict very real harm on trans students, many of whom already face significant discrimination at school. Our government leaders continue to try to make life more difficult for trans Ohioans, but we are not going anywhere. I urge the Senate to not concur on this bill.

Carson Hartlage, Clifton