SkyStar Wheel will stay on the riverfront. Hamilton County working on a long-term deal.

Portrait of Scott Wartman Scott Wartman
Cincinnati Enquirer

The SkyStar Wheel on Cincinnati's riverfront could become a long-term fixture in the city's skyline. 

Hamilton County Board of Commissioners approved Thursday night extending the lease by two months for the 150-foot, neon-lit observation wheel on the riverfront. 

The wheel was set to close at the end of June. 

That'll give the county administration time to work out a much longer lease, possibly for 10 years or more, said Hamilton County administrator Jeff Aluotto. The operators of SkyStar have proposed a 10-year lease with two five year extensions. 

Commissioners praised the wheel for bringing more people to the riverfront and brightening the cityscape. 

The Skystar from below.

"It's beautiful," said Hamilton County Commissioner Todd Portune. "What it adds to our skyline is great."

The SkyStar Wheel opened in August 2018 and was initially meant as a temporary attraction. It has since had two extensions of its lease.

"People were not quite sure what to make of this," Aluotto said. "It has since been lauded by people down there. It's increased our parking counts. The Reds, the folks in the retail center, the Freedom Center are all excited seeing this continue."

Newport also has plans for a similar skywheel across the river at Newport on the Levee.