Click here to join us for the 14th Annual A Walk to Believe on September 7, 2024.


Meet Our Collaborators

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation collaborates with individuals and nonprofit organizations that share our vision. These fundraising collaborations maximize our collective impact and advance our critical mission of curing spinal cord injury through innovative research and improving quality of life for individuals and families impacted by paralysis. 

Team LeGrand

In 2013, Eric LeGrand launched Team LeGrand, a fundraising arm of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, to help individuals living with spinal cord injury and their families by supporting quality of life initiatives and emerging therapies that will get us to the end zone — cures for spinal cord injuries. 

Learn more about Eric LeGrand.

Click here to join us for the 14th Annual A Walk to Believe on September 7, 2024.

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Eric LeGrand

Colorado Paralysis Foundation (CPF) 

The Colorado Paralysis Foundation was created in 2024 as a grassroots organization focused on promoting improved quality of life for those affected by or living with paralysis in the state of Colorado. Its mission is to act as an agent of change, improving access to trained healthcare providers, accessible transportation and other local resources.  

CPF is an independent affiliate of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. 

Learn more at

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Colorado Paralysis Foundation logo

The Rex Marco, MD, Fund

The Rex Marco, M.D., Fund of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation was established in 2020 with a $1.1 million gift from Dr. Rex A.W. Marco to the Reeve Foundation to help accelerate groundbreaking research toward cures for spinal cord injuries. 

Among his roles within the Foundation, Dr. Marco serves as Chief Medical Ambassador and contributes to the Reeve Foundation Quality of Life Grant Program Committee, which reviews nonprofit grant proposals for projects and initiatives that impact and empower people living with paralysis, their families and caregivers. 

Learn more about Dr. Rex Marco.

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Dr. Rex Marco at A Magical Evening gala 2022

Mike Nichols

During a high school varsity hockey game in January 2014, Michael (Mike) Nichols, a Monroe (NJ) Township Senior, sustained a severe injury to his C5 vertebra. Nichols became an overnight advocate to inspire people to join the Reeve Foundation. 

Today, Nichols and the Reeve Foundation collaborate to bring together the community and supporters from across the country to fund the most promising spinal cord injury research and move us closer to cures for paralysis. 

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Mike Nichols