Shanghai issues first license plates for driverless vehicles| July 09, 2024

Shanghai issued the first batch of demonstrative application licenses for driverless intelligent connected vehicles at the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, which means driverless robotaxis will be available in part of the Pudong New Area.

The pilot area will connect Nanhui New Town and Pudong International Airport, encompassing several metro stations, business circles, and industrial parks.

AutoX is one of the four enterprises that were granted the licenses. In Jinqiao town, Pudong New Area, people can reserve a driverless robotaxi to get to any destination within the area through the company's app.

From Jinding World on Shentao Road to Shenjiang Road Station, the robotaxis are set to provide a smooth transportation experience, said Zhang, who rode in one of the cars. "Whether at a crossroad or making a turn, I don't think there's any difference between this car and other cars with drivers."

AutoX has received five license plates for its driverless autonomous vehicles. Once the license plates are affixed to the cars, these vehicles will be operational in Jinqiao. Of note, the company has already conducted a series of tests on the vehicles to validate their safety.

"Before we obtained the licenses, each driverless vehicle had to reach a mileage of at least 1,500 kilometers," said Yang Lei, who is in charge of government-related matters at AutoX. "Everything was tested and certified to get the licenses."

Driverless robotaxi services will be free during the testing period. At least one vehicle has to complete the pilot application mileage of at least 5,000 km safely and reliably during this time frame. After evaluation and approval from the relevant authoritative departments, the enterprises can commercialize their driverless robotaxi services in certain areas.


Source: "pdnews" WeChat account,