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Which magnesium gummies are best?

Magnesium has long been identified as a vital mineral for the proper function and health of the body. Because it plays a role in more than 300 different body functions, it’s important to get the proper amount of magnesium every day. If you need to supplement with magnesium but struggle with swallowing large pills, delicious magnesium gummies might be the answer.

If you are looking for the best magnesium gummies with a lot of easily absorbed magnesium and very low sugar, Chapter One Magnesium Gummies are a good choice.

What to know before you buy magnesium gummies

Gummies are a different form of magnesium supplements that some people find easier to take. When choosing the best magnesium gummies for you, there are some important things to consider.

Type of magnesium

The most common type of magnesium in magnesium gummies is magnesium citrate. This is readily absorbed and provides a good dose of magnesium. Other forms of magnesium include:

Magnesium taurate

Magnesium malate

Magnesium glycinate

Magnesium carbonate

Magnesium chloride

Magnesium oxide

Magnesium orotate

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium lactate

Magnesium aspartate

Each of these comes with some restrictions, so check with your doctor as to which type of magnesium might be best for you.

Absorption rate

You’ll want to consider the speed of absorption when choosing a magnesium gummy. Some types of magnesium take a long time to absorb, which means your body might remove it before it can be used.

Purpose of supplementation

Do you have a medical condition that leads to low magnesium levels? Are you attempting to address insomnia, anxiety or other conditions that might benefit from additional magnesium in your diet?

Determining why you are supplementing with magnesium can lead you to the proper dose and the best magnesium gummies for you.

Magnesium gummies features


Look for magnesium gummies that are free of the most common allergens, including:






Tree nuts


If you keep a kosher, halal or vegan diet, make sure to check the label for that designation, too.

GMP certification

While most supplements are not individually evaluated for their benefits or safety, some carry the GMP certified seal. This indicates that the manufacturer has followed strict processes put into place by the US Food and Drug Administration. This ensures that your supplement is exactly what it says on the label.

Magnesium plus citric acid

The best magnesium gummies use citric acid to be more readily absorbed by the body. They have both compounds to make the benefits of magnesium more readily available.

This is especially important for people who are taking a calcium supplement, as calcium can prevent absorption of magnesium.

Low sugar

While you want your magnesium gummies to taste good, they should not add a significant amount of sugar to your diet. Look for magnesium gummies with less than 2 grams of added sugar.

Natural ingredients

All other ingredients in your magnesium gummies should be natural. Your gummies should also be free from artificial preservatives and colors.

Magnesium gummies cost

Magnesium gummies can be purchased for $12-$15. Pay close attention to the number of gummies per serving and the amount of magnesium in each to find the best value for you.

Magnesium gummies FAQ

What is the proper dose of magnesium?

A. As always, talk to your doctor before supplementing with magnesium gummies. They can help decide your proper dose and identify any potential drug interactions.

In general, follow these dosing guidelines.

Children: 1-3 years (80 milligrams/day), 4-8 years (130 milligrams/day), 9-13 (240 milligrams/day)

Females: 14-18 (360 milligrams/day), 19-30 (310 milligrams/day), 31+ (320 milligrams/day)

Males: 14-18 (410 milligrams/day), 19-30 (400 milligrams/day), 31+ (420 milligrams/day)

People who are pregnant or nursing should talk to their doctor for the best dose.

What are the potential benefits of magnesium gummies?

A. Magnesium plays a part in over 300 different functions in the body. Some research indicates that magnesium can also have a role in:

Relieving anxiety

Easing insomnia

Reducing inflammation

Preventing high blood pressure

Addressing mood disorders

Are there side effects to magnesium gummies?

A. While magnesium gummies are generally well tolerated, there are some potential side effects like diarrhea, abdominal cramping and vomiting. You can avoid these by building up to the proper dose of magnesium.

In very rare cases, some people might experience an allergic reaction to magnesium. If you experience itching, rash, hives or difficulty breathing after taking a magnesium gummy, call your doctor immediately. Allergies can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.

Which magnesium gummies should I get?

Best of the best magnesium gummies

Chapter One Magnesium Gummies: available at Amazon and iHerb

Our take: This highly rated product is a great introduction to magnesium gummies.

What we like: These are free from common allergens and are safe for adults and children (in different doses). Each gummy contains 100 milligrams of magnesium and less than 2 grams of added sugar. They are kosher and use all-natural ingredients in a GMP-certified facility.

What we dislike: Some kids did not like the taste of these magnesium gummies.

Best bang for your buck magnesium gummies

YumV’s Magnesium Citrate Raspberry Gummies: available at Amazon and iHerb

Our take: These fruity and delicious magnesium gummies are a favorite of both adults and kids.

What we like: These gummies contain 102 milligrams of magnesium per serving. They use black carrot for color and have only natural flavors. These are vegetarian and halal and free from common allergens.

What we dislike: These have 5 grams of added sugar per serving.

Honorable mention magnesium gummies

Vitamatic Magnesium Citrate Gummies: available at Amazon

Our take: These magnesium gummies are free from most allergens and taste just like candy.

What we like: These provide 70 milligrams of magnesium from magnesium citrate per serving. They use pectin instead of gelatin for a vegan-friendly gummy. They have no starch, soy, yeast, wheat, egg, artificial color, flavor or preservatives.

What we dislike: This is a low dose of magnesium from two gummies. You’ll need to eat a lot for serious supplementation.

Suzannah Kolbeck is a writer for BestReviews. BestReviews is a product review company with a singular mission: to help simplify your purchasing decisions and save you time and money.

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