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Speak Out: American Revolution not remotely like the Jan. 6 insurrection; sad commentary that Trump would badmouth Colin Powell; Biden’s plan confusing even to Democrats

The Revolutionary War was about people being told what to do by an imperial power that did not allow citizen participation in that government, not as a means of disputing the results of an election, one Speak Out commenter says.
Sharlotta // Shutterstock
The Revolutionary War was about people being told what to do by an imperial power that did not allow citizen participation in that government, not as a means of disputing the results of an election, one Speak Out commenter says.

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No comparison: Trumpsters who support the insurrection on 1/6 often compare it to the revolution in 1776. They don’t recognize that the American Revolution was a result of foreign occupation by an imperial power that did not allow citizen participation in that government. They also fail to recognize Trump’s claims of a stolen election to be a big lie, and an attempt to overturn the Constitution and a democratic election. Perhaps “Christians” who claim that Trump was anointed by God as the savior to our country are the most blind. Jesus’s words are just as appropriate today, “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do”.

Vilified first-responders: In less than a year, our national heroes in the military, national guard, police and law enforcement, firefighters-paramedics, doctors, nurses and medical staff members are now being vilified and threatened. Why is that you ask? Well, it seems that their individual rights are freedoms are being confiscated by the government gestapo because they’re not following the unconstitutional and illegal vaccine mandates.

Badmouthing Colin Powell: Every American should be outraged at Donald Trump for his utterly classless statement he made about the death of American Hero, 4-star general Secretary of State Colin Powell. Once again Trump never has a nice or kind word to say about anyone but himself and it always about him.

Matter of semantics? A Speak Out commenter stated that because of COVID-19, 700,000 Americans are now dead, the implication being that they died of COVID-19. I won’t dispute the numbers, and I won’t dispute that they died with COVID-19, but I can’t help but wonder how many died of COVID-19. The implication is that without COVID-19, these 700,000 people would be merrily living life to the fullest, no heart disease, no liver failure, etc. Believe what you want.

Biden’s confusing agenda: Even the Democrats are having difficulty keeping their stories straight regarding the Biden spending agenda. While trying to fleece the middle-class, Biden says his scaled down socialistic plan is all about middle-class values. Scrambling to salvage some of Biden’s enormous spending proposal, Nancy Pelosi says these items have been their goals and milestones. Maybe, but in reality there is no plan universally acceptable to Democrats, and Biden’s polling numbers are declining by the hour.

Originally Published: