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Photos of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins are displayed before a vigil held to honor her at Albuquerque Civic Plaza on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hutchins was killed on set while filming the movie "Rust" at Bonanza Creek Ranch near Santa Fe on Oct. 21, 2021. The film's star and producer Alec Baldwin shot a prop firearm that killed Hutchins and injured another crew member.
Sam Wasson/Getty Images North America/TNS
Photos of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins are displayed before a vigil held to honor her at Albuquerque Civic Plaza on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hutchins was killed on set while filming the movie “Rust” at Bonanza Creek Ranch near Santa Fe on Oct. 21, 2021. The film’s star and producer Alec Baldwin shot a prop firearm that killed Hutchins and injured another crew member.

What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email

Let’s get this straight, the Republicans packed the Supreme Court with 50 votes, but we need 60 votes to protect voting rights? We need to end the filibuster. There is no such thing as reaching across the aisle when one political party has become a cult.

A person died from an accidental prop gun shooting on a movie set and it’s on the news constantly. Yet innocent children die in school shootings daily and it’s forgotten in a day. That’s what has happened to this country because of ease of gun accessibility and uncaring lawmakers.

Why would there even be a live round on the movie set when Alec Baldwin fired the shot? Someone had to be in charge of obtaining the weapon and should be held responsible for killing someone. People must be held accountable for their actions.

I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous that someone has brought a class action suit against Kellogg’s because their strawberry Pop-Tarts don’t contain enough strawberries. To be precise, they contain hardly any strawberries at all. And how else other than with a lawsuit is the public to call out these huge corporations for scamming us if the Food and Drug Administration won’t do its job?

Big Tech isn’t canceling Indiana Rep Jim Banks, they are trying to rein him in. No one has the right to post misleading and outrageous content, no matter who you are. He is a complete embarrassment to our state. His right-wing views are dangerous and insulting to his constituents. We obviously need much better representation than Hoosiers currently have because it is severely lacking in common sense and the common good.

Alabama’s Republican governor signed an executive order directing state agencies to not enforce federal vaccine mandates — in the middle of a pandemic. How much more information do you need to never vote for a Republican ever again?

The unvaccinated are in it for the money. They figure as long as the pandemic goes on they will continue to receive free money from the government.

If you are so proud of the vaccine, it should not matter if anyone else is vaccinated, right? Because you are protected, right?

As a health care worker, I’m tired. Tired of telling you that you have to be vaccinated. Tired of certain media lying about a pandemic. Tired of working long hours trying to comfort people who are extremely sick from a preventable virus. Tired of trying to get us back to normal with no end in sight from this virus just because people are brainwashed and lied to. What happens when my colleagues and I finally give up caring and just surrender?

Now it’s come to this. A South Carolina Republican congressman is spotted wearing a face mask on the floor of the House with a coded “(Expletive) Joe Biden” message. Can Republicans sink any lower? They have absolutely no interest in governing. It’s all about riling up their rabid base.

Trump is outraged that Biden is denying him “executive privilege.” Of course he is. This spoiled brat of a man-child has enjoyed privilege of one sort or another his entire life. He believes he is of a different order of being than anyone else, and accountable for nothing. Sadly and disgustingly, tens of millions of people think the same thing.

The number one killer of police isn’t gunfire, it’s Covid. Yet they are protesting against a life saving vaccine. Now you understand what the lies of right wing media has done to our country.

Congratulations, Trump Haters, you did exactly what everyone knew you would do because Trump lives in your head rent free. When faced with Bumbling Joe’s plummeting approval ratings, your response, predictably was, “yeah, but Trump, yeah, but Republicans.” You really are a stupid bunch, aren’t you. Just like Alec Baldwin, it’s always someone else’s fault because you’re not adult enough to admit your ignorance.


Originally Published: