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President George W. Bush stands with firefighter Bob Beckwith Sept. 14, 2001, on a burnt fire truck in front of the World Trade Center during a tour of the devastation.
AP Photo/Doug Mills
President George W. Bush stands with firefighter Bob Beckwith Sept. 14, 2001, on a burnt fire truck in front of the World Trade Center during a tour of the devastation.

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There were many great stories and articles written about the 9/11 attacks, then there was Ted Slowik’s opinion piece that starts out fine but then he turns into a baseless Democratic political statement. He wonders if the country could ever unite again. Well it can and it will, but articles like his only divide the country even more and make unity harder. My opinion is that dividing the county more is his goal.

CFR, Crestwood

I find Mr. Slowik’s comments to be puzzling. It appears that he has forgotten the process in which democracy exists and the protection individuals have been afforded under HIPAA laws. The mandates imposed by our governor eliminate public discussion and thought. Pritzker has been repeatedly asked for the data driven criteria which shapes his mandates, but we, the electorate, have yet to see it. The mandates are based on what? The same public health data Slowik found confusing? Slowik states that we should work together with masks and vaccines to defeat the pandemic. I agree. The concept of working together should not be achieved by the heavy hand of government, but by discussion, reason and facts.

Joe, Orland Park

After reading Mr. Slowik’s column, I needed to comment and agree with everything he said. I used to be a school board member and I am for any mask mandates there might be so that we can protect our children. These politicians have no idea what they speak of and will not answer a simple question regarding vaccination. Mayor Pekau should be voted out of office for just sheer ignorance. How can a mayor that wastes citizens dollars on frivolous lawsuits and other issues just because he thinks he is right still think he is doing the right thing by instigating people to avoid lifesaving measures. Yes, wearing a mask these days is a lifesaving measure.

M., Monee

I think the Oak Lawn residents have enough seniors that are paying high taxes. If the police don’t have much to do, maybe they should do senior checks and see if there are shut-ins who need help. The police could bring these people some food or something instead of parking in a lot three to four deep and not patrolling.

Pete, Oak Lawn

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