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Speak Out: Leaving Vietnam a lot like leaving Afghanistan; let female voters decide fate of abortion laws; if you turn tables on carjackers, they might think twice about hijacking vehicles

South Vietnamese clamber aboard barges in the port of Saigon in an attempt to escape from advancing North Vietnamese troops on April 29, 1975, the day of the Fall of Saigon that ended the Vietnam War.
nik wheeler/Corbis via Getty Images
South Vietnamese clamber aboard barges in the port of Saigon in an attempt to escape from advancing North Vietnamese troops on April 29, 1975, the day of the Fall of Saigon that ended the Vietnam War.

Speak Out is a reader-generated column of opinions. If you see something you disagree with or think is incorrect, send an email to Please include “speak out” in the subject line.

Turn tables on carjackers: When a minor hijacks a car, nine times out of 10 it’s not for him. He’s working for someone higher up. I say first change the law and let carjackers know they will no longer be charged as a minor. Also, get to the root of the problem and find out the person’s or people’s names that these carjackers are working for. It’s time to change your strategy because what’s being done now is not working. So far, all that is being done is we are fattening frogs for snakes.

Can’t blame the nonbelievers: Here we are on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. When it comes to carnage, nothing compares to religion. You may be Christian and say, “Well, my religion never flew planes into buildings,” and that is true. But your religion did promote slavery. Your religion did carry on inquisitions. People who promoted your religion burned others at the stake. Still others who called themselves Christians hung women as witches. Christianity has plenty to be sorry for. Nonbelievers never, ever considered doing any of the above because we know organized religion is a bunch of bunk.

Let women decide: It seems as though some states are voting on abortion restrictions. Well, I’ll go along with that except for one thing. I believe people vote on abortion laws in a general election with the exception of one thing: Only women get the right to vote. After all, women are the ones who are producing children and they have the say over their bodies, not men. We’re just the standbys. We caused those women to be pregnant.

I’m disgusted: After watching the Democratic way the war in Afghanistan was ended, is Joe Biden the man you want to run our country for three and a half more years? Our open borders will allow the Taliban, Islamic militants and other terrorists to get on a plane bound for Mexico and walk across the border into our country. I’m disgusted with where our country’s headed.

Nixon did same thing: Here’s just some history. After Republican President Richard Nixon pulled out of the Vietnam War he left military equipment, missing prisoners of war and other Americans. I don’t know if all of these people criticizing President Joe Biden also criticized Nixon, but I doubt it.

Don’t eradicate history: The United States is a relatively young country of nearly 250 years yet many people think we need to go back and eradicate our relatively brief history based on 2021 standards. I have a question: What about European countries? What about Asian countries? What about African countries? Some of them have histories that go back thousands of years? How far back do they go to eradicate their history? The point is that you can’t use 2021 standards and apply them 250, 500 or 1,000 years in the past. You learn from your history. You don’t eradicate it.

Originally Published: