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In this Aug. 31, 2021 file photo, medical professionals pronate a 39 year old unvaccinated COVID-19 patient in the Medical Intensive care unit (MICU) at St. Luke's Boise Medical Center in Boise, Idaho. Idaho's public health leaders have expanded health care rationing statewide amid a massive increase in the number of coronavirus patients requiring hospitalization. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare made the announcement Sept. 16. St. Luke's Health System, Idaho's largest hospital network, asked state health leaders to allow "crisis standards of care" because the increase in COVID-19 patients has exhausted the state's medical resources. (AP Photo/Kyle Green,File)
Kyle Green/AP
In this Aug. 31, 2021 file photo, medical professionals pronate a 39 year old unvaccinated COVID-19 patient in the Medical Intensive care unit (MICU) at St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center in Boise, Idaho. Idaho’s public health leaders have expanded health care rationing statewide amid a massive increase in the number of coronavirus patients requiring hospitalization. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare made the announcement Sept. 16. St. Luke’s Health System, Idaho’s largest hospital network, asked state health leaders to allow “crisis standards of care” because the increase in COVID-19 patients has exhausted the state’s medical resources. (AP Photo/Kyle Green,File)

What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email

Almost every night on the evening news we see someone in a hospital bed severely ill with COVID. They are always unvaccinated and always say the same thing: “If I would have known it was this bad, I would have gotten the shot.” Not one says “It’s not bad and if I die, so what at least I have my freedom”. For your children, your parents, teachers and medical staff, get the shot!

I have learned a couple of things about the anti-vaxxers. 1) They are selfish in that they don’t care about their friends and neighbors and 2) they are wussies in that they cannot handle the tiny inconvenience of wearing a mask when in public or getting a shot. What a bunch of spoiled brats.

Republicans: all for herd mentality, but all against herd immunity.

The young people that I work with claim they do not plan on getting the COVID-19 shots because they are afraid of the long term effects. I tell them the short term effect might mean death, but they all plan on living forever and it won’t happen to them.

Governor Holcomb is worried about the hordes of Canadians storming our beaches and is demanding a meeting with President Biden.

To the Quickly reader who suggests that we move, if we don’t like “radical Republicans ruining Valpo”: It is good to know you actually support immigration. This is exactly what many people crossing into our country’s borders are attempting to do. Move from areas they find intolerable.

Well, that didn’t take long. Already, two people who don’t even live in Texas are suing the doctor who admits that he performed an abortion in violation of Texas’ restrictive anti-abortion law. It’s totally insane. But that’s Texas for you.

Republicans, including our own Governor Holcomb, would like nothing better than to have COVID, insurrection, voter suppression, abortion restrictions, and climate crises pushed aside as issues. Now 26 GOP governors have banded together to make immigration (“The attack on our southern border!”) the top priority and the number one threat to our security, even here in Indiana. They are the masters of deflection — and shameless political posturing.

To the Quickly reader “still waiting” for a Republican policy that does her any good, I have some words of advice. To take advantage of Republican policies, you need to get a job. To get a good job, you need an education. Go back to school and complete your GED, then get a job. Just getting and education and a job — that will turn you into a Republican.

I question your mentality if you think the worst thing that Donald Trump ever did was to send mean tweets. You will be one of the people that historians will write about, wondering how Trump was able to bamboozle so many people.

Question for all the pro life anti-abortion people. Why aren’t you “pro-life” for the people fleeing Haiti or South America at the border? People fleeing oppression must not matter to pro lifers. Their lives must not be as valuable as the one in the womb. You are nothing but hypocrites.


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