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General Daily Insight for September 21, 2021

Today isn’t for the faint of heart. The temperamental Moon in Aries forms a potent opposition to aggressive Mars in relationship-oriented Libra, making it easy for us to let our tempers run away with us. It’s important to try and maintain balance in our partnerships, but if we can’t do that, then we should seek out peace and privacy. The good news is, the Moon forms a supportive sextile with sober Saturn at 12:43 pm EST, making it easier for us to see things clearly.

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March 21-April 19

You may feel a strong energy coming at you today from someone in your life who you likely consider a partner, be it a lover, friend, or even a co-worker. Whether this energy will be used for good or for ill is still to be seen — this person could push your buttons when you’d prefer to keep things copacetic, or, on the flip side, they could unexpectedly bring some very tempting and exciting times your way. One thing’s for sure: you’ll know you’re not alone.


April 20-May 20

You might have a lot of excess energy today, so it isn’t just your imagination if you wake up with the urge to let loose and shake it off. If you can, start the day with a workout that gets your blood pumping and makes you break a sweat. Then use whatever energy is remaining to do some organizing, whether that’s just doing the laundry or getting your whole life in tip-top shape. Clean up your act and your future self will thank you.


May 21-June 20

You could have a rather exciting and fun day, or at least the offer is probably on the table, provided you don’t hide yourself away and refuse the opportunity. You are encouraged to express yourself in the most sincere and passionate ways possible right now, so go ahead and be yourself without trepidation. Whether you want to put on a literal show or just spend time dancing around in front of the mirror, make a point to be creative.


June 21-July 22

Something is coming up from deep within you, Cancer, and it’s pushing you along at a breakneck pace. However, it may not push you all that far, as you find yourself spinning in circles within your own walls. Powerful energies are coming to a boiling point on the home front, making it seem like there is barely enough space wherever you turn. Try to find some privacy or else things could push you a step too far.


July 23-August 22

It’s a good day to watch your words, because your tongue could be a little sharper than usual right now. You don’t have to keep quiet or avoid people altogether — if anything, you’re encouraged to reach out to people and touch base, because conversations could be almost electric. Just make sure you don’t send so much electricity that it winds up shocking anyone; there’s a big difference between sharing your ideas and having a one-sided conversation.


August 23-September 22

Money matters may present themselves for inspection today, and they could put you in both rewarding and stressful positions. Issues of what’s yours versus what’s someone else’s may arise, perhaps with a partner or someone with a debt between you. You might find that you owe money and have to pay up, or you could earn a windfall. Use your discretion and analyze every opportunity very carefully. Don’t throw your money away, but don’t miss out on a good opportunity, either.


September 23-October 22

A powerful blast of energy reaches you today as motivator Mars in your sign is amplified by the beautiful Moon. You could feel like you’ve chugged down half a dozen cups of coffee, even if you stick to only water! Don’t set any limits on yourself right now, because there’s a great amount of potential in the air. Whether you have material goals in mind or emotional ones, take the fire that you’re feeling and apply it to whatever is important to you.


October 23-November 21

You could pick up on a mystical vibe today, but mystical doesn’t necessarily mean easy. It’s like there is a major event occurring just off the periphery of your vision, just beyond where you can see it. Still, don’t assume this is an event you’re currently missing out on, because it’s likely more of a preparatory phase. The best solution is to take a step back and try to go wherever the universe wants you to. You’ll be able to travel further if you don’t push.


November 22-December 21

People might have a lot to say to you today, for better or for worse. That’s all well and good if you’re in a social mood, but if you don’t want any guff from the peanut gallery, then you might want to put on some headphones and take a step back from communication. Mars is stirring up a tense vibration in your social sector, but it’s only temporary, so you can return to people in a day or two. For now, it’s probably best to fly solo.


December 22-January 19

Set your sights high, because this is the kind of day where you can make a ton of progress without expending a ton of energy. The road in front of you is clearing up and there’s a bounce in your step, so use these advantages while you’ve got them and propel yourself to where you really want to be. A boss or other VIP could also help you along the road to success; accept any assistance along the way!


January 20-February 18

A fresh breeze is coming to you, asking you to open yourself up to new ideas and new ways of approaching life. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut over time, but now you could get some unexpected opportunities to break down any confining barriers you may have constructed around yourself accidentally. Don’t sit back and wait for these limitations to reveal themselves — do what you can to identify them, then make like a wrecking ball.


February 19-March 20

You might feel like you’re walking a tightrope today as things appear more dramatic than they really are. This intensity could impact you on a very deep level, making you feel more emotional and exposed than usual. Interactions with others might feel especially tense, but do your best to keep calm if a conflicting situation comes your way. If you can maintain your cool, you should be able to walk the line until things settle down.

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