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Embattled Hobart Township Trustee Tom Silich sparred with board members on a number of issues at a recent meeting, the first he attended since his arrest for operating a vehicle while intoxicated in July.

Silich became combative with the board over several proposals and inquiries, from the proposed budget to drug testing to hall rental and his own expenses, denying accusations of using township property and employees for personal use and refusing to make some proposed changes.

Going over invoices, board members asked Silich why he used a township vehicle to make several trips to O’Hare Airport, was questioned about an $840 bill for two pairs of work boots for employees and why a park employee worked on his personal equipment on township time and scolded for using township paint for his personal use.

Silich denied having an employee work on his personal equipment during work hours, but the employee, who attended the meeting, said he spent about 20 hours in the last 1 1/2 years working on Silich’s equipment and was paid from the township for that time.

Silich also denied using the township truck to go to O’Hare, but board members pointed out the township received a $17 iPass bill with a photo of the truck’s plates.

As for the boots, Silich said he purchased Red Wing boots for employees so they would have proper personal equipment.

“I was trying to help the situation out and it backfired,” he said.

The board tabled action on seeking reimbursement for a $390 towing fee resulting from Silich’s arrest for OWI while driving the township truck, in addition to a $116 filing fee in small claims court to seek the unpaid towing fee, for a total of $506.

Silich’s new attorney for his role as trustee, David Austgen, said he would review the documentation.

Board president Joseph Clemmons questioned if an alcohol permit is required if an individual renting Rosser Hall plans to serve alcohol at the event.

Clemmons said excise police could shut down a party and the township could be held liable for any incident involving an individual who attended the event if no permit is issued.

Silich said not every party includes alcohol.

“There was no reason for it,” Silich said. “There has never been one. This is longer than me (since he became trustee 11 years ago,)” he said.

Austgen recommended the permit be a part of the application for hall rental, however.

“If someone gets hurt as a result of an event with alcohol it could be a problem. You don’t want to be responsible,” Austgen said.

The board approved a resolution requiring logos on all township vehicles, despite opposition from Silich, who questioned if they had the authority to do so.

“Can I have a resolution to cancel their resolution? I thought they advise and the trustee makes the resolution. We’ll have a bunch of resolutions that they want,” Silich said.

Austgen said the board can approve a resolution that sets a policy within their jurisdiction. He said this was within their jurisdiction.

“This board evidently read the statute that talks about vehicles,” Austgen said.

Board member Sue Pelfrey asked if a policy on drug testing for new employees was ready, pointing out that the board requested Silich put together a policy in March.

Silich said they wasn’t a formal request put on paper. He said he would check with other townships in Lake County to determine if they require drug testing.

The board also questioned a new policy regarding time clocks, in which park employees have to return to the park office to clock out of work, even if they end their day near the trustee office, which also has a time clock. Employees said it was a waste of time and money.

“I believe they should be able to time out at either place,” Clemmons said.

Silich said the parks employees have to clock in and out at the parks office and office employees at the office.

“We’re doing it the way I say. I’m the trustee. That’s the end of the story,” Silich said.

The board tabled action on the proposed 2022 budget of $769,599, saying this was the first time they saw it. A special meeting was set for Monday night.

Pelfrey questioned why employees’ salaries are coming out of five different line items instead of just one.

“We’ll move the money into one line item on Monday,” she said.

Silich said the whole budget would have to be redone now, to which Clemmons replied that wouldn’t be necessary if the board had been brought in on the budget process in the first place.

Karen Caffarini is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune.

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