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Western Springs Village Hall.
Pioneer Press / Chicago Tribune
Western Springs Village Hall.

The Western Springs Village Board voted Monday to opt out of Cook County ordinances raising the minimum wage and requiring earned paid sick day.

Four of the six village trustees voted to opt out of the ordinances for the remainder of 2017, with trustees Shelia Hansen and Sue Glowiak voting against the opt-out motion.

“While I am not opposed to the minimum wage hike, this needs to be done on the state level,” said Trustee James Horvath said. “If a business has locations in different counties that may have different wage levels, it would be way too hard on a business to have to pay some workers a higher wage than others only because of where they are located.”

Last fall, the Cook County Board passed laws to increase the minimum wage, beginning in July, from $8.25 to $10, and then up to $13 an hour by 2020. The second measure allows employees to earn up to five days of paid sick days each year.

While the law was designed to mirror the actions in the city of Chicago, which has passed a similar ordinance, both home-rule and nonhome-rule municipalities can choose to opt out at any time before June 1, officials said.

Supporters of the laws say it would get workers out of poverty-level wages and, with increases salaries, workers would be able to spend more money in the communities they live in, helping out the local economy. Critics say that it hurts local businesses, and will force them to raise prices and hire fewer workers due to increased payroll costs.

Lisa Kouba of Western Springs, a small-business owner, said she supports the minimum wage increase.

“You don’t want to pit the residents of the village who support this against the businesses here,” Kouba said. “That is bad policy. We are one of the most affluent villages in the state, and opting out sends a bad message to the public of who we are, that those who serve us are not worthy of a living wage. That is not who we are as a community.”

Another resident, Stephanie Holt, a single mother who said she was forced to take a minimum wage job for three years when her self-employment business fell on hard times, said that it isn’t just teenagers who are paid minimum wage jobs.

“I strongly support the minimum wage. It’s long overdue,” Holt said. “Letting this go through would make for a more healthy community.”

But some did support the village’s opt out plans. Penny Kirschbaum of Kirschbaum’s Bakery in Western Springs, which has been in business for more than 50 years, said paying school-age workers such a high salary would force her to reconsider hiring them. She said she has eight high school age workers right now making minimum wage.

“Many of these young workers don’t know how to handle money, talk to customers, or even sweep the floor. They have to be taught everything,” she said. “Changing the minimum wage from $8.25 to $13 and hour would make me re-evaluate if I want to train young people on how to be a worker. It may change my hiring practices.”

The Western Springs Business Association issued a statement in support of the village’s opt out vote, saying the issue should be addressed at the state level.

Village President Bill Rodeghier said the new board, which will be seated at the May 22 meeting, will have more time to discuss the issue, since they can decide to opt back in. Three new members of the board, including a new village president, will be seated.

“This option postpones the issue for now so the village can take action on it in the future,” Rodeghier said.

There are also bills in the Illinois General Assembly that are being discussed in committee, and that any state action in approving those bills would make the Cook County laws no longer valid, said village attorney Michael Jurusik.

Several northwest suburbs, including Barrington, Mount Prospect, Schaumburg and Arlington Heights, have already opted out. Two nearby communities, La Grange and Countryside, elected not to opt out. That led some in Western Springs to worry people who support the county ordinance will shop in those towns to show their support, and lead workers to those towns where there are higher wages.

“What would stop a Western Springs resident from going to work in La Grange if they are going to pay more,” asked Hansen said.

David Heitz is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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