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Chicago Tribune

On Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey was fired. Yet the search for the truth continues? —?212 years on. John Adams, after he returned to private life, wrote in 1805 to Dr. Benjamin Rush of Philadelphia:

“Is the present state of the national republic enough? Is virtue the principle of our government? Is honor? Or is ambition and avarice, adulation, baseness, covetousness, the thirst for riches, indifference concerning the means of rising and enriching, the contempt of principle, the spirit of party and of faction the motive and principle that governs?”

The quest for the true north of the motivations behind the governing principles of our leaders continues today, 212 years after Adams posed those prescient questions. And it is the most frightening quest in my lifetime? — a treacherous journey upon which the very existence of our nation’s ideals now rests.

May the search for truth and the power of our hard-earned democratic principles prevail in these times that so try our souls, in order to strengthen the American experiment and our desire for a more perfect Union, today and forever more.

That is my hope.

— Timothy Boivin, Cary

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