Chicago Face Database


Chicago Face Database

T H E15spaceD A T A B A S E

The Chicago Face Database was developed at the University of Chicago by Debbie S. Ma, Joshua Correll, and Bernd Wittenbrink. The CFD is intended for use in scientific research. It provides high-resolution, standardized photographs of male and female faces of varying ethnicity between the ages of 17-65. Extensive norming data are available for each individual model. These data include both physical attributes (e.g., face size) as well as subjective ratings by independent judges (e.g., attractiveness).

Detailed information about the construction of the database and the available norming data can be found in Ma, Correll, & Wittenbrink (2015).


I M A G E15spaceS E T S

The database consists of a main image set and several extension sets. Images are standardized across all sets so that they can be used side-by-side.


The main CFD set consists of images of 597 unique individuals. They include self-identified Asian, Black, Latino, and White female and male models, recruited in the United States. All models are represented with neutral facial expressions. A subset of the models is also available with happy (open mouth), happy (closed mouth), angry, and fearful expressions. Norming data are available for all neutral expression images. Subjective rating norms are based on a U.S. rater sample.


The CFD-MR extension set includes images of 88 unique individuals, who self-reported multiracial ancestry. All models were recruited in the United States. The images depict models with neutral facial expressions. Additional facial expression images with happy (open mouth), happy (closed mouth), angry, and fearful expressions are in production and will become available with a future update of the database. Norming data include the standard set of CFD objective and subjective image norms as well as the models’ self-reported ancestry. Subjective norms are based on a U.S. rater sample.


The CFD-INDIA extension set includes images of 142 unique individuals, recruited in Delhi, India. The images depict models with neutral facial expressions. Additional facial expression images with happy (open mouth), happy (closed mouth), angry, and fearful expressionsare in production and will become available with a future update of the database. Norming data consist of the standard set of CFD objective and subjective image norms, including ratings of perceived ethnicity. Subjective norms are available for a U.S. rater sample and for a sample of raters recruited in India. In addition, an extended set of self-reported model background data (e.g., ancestry, home state, caste) is available upon request.


T E R M S15spaceO F15spaceU S E

The CFD and its expansion sets are a free resource for the scientific community. The database photographs and their accompanying information may be used under the following terms:
(1) The database materials may be used for non-commercial scientific research purposes only.
(2) The database materials shall not be published (in print, electronically, or in any other form) without written consent from the copyright holder, the University of Chicago, Center for Decision Research.
(3) The database materials shall not be re-distributed to third parties, including, but not limited to, file hosting services or cloud-based AI image manipulation services.
(4) No attempts may be made to identify or contact the individuals depicted in the database (including, but not limited to, the use of CFD photographs in facial recognition software).
(5) Use of the database materials must be acknowledged in all published work.



Use of the database materials should be acknowledged as follows:
CFD: Ma, Correll, & Wittenbrink (2015). The Chicago Face Database: A Free Stimulus Set of Faces and Norming Data. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 1122-1135.
CFD-MR: Ma, Kantner, & Wittenbrink, (2020). Chicago Face Database: Multiracial Expansion. Behavior Research Methods.
CFD-INDIA: Lakshmi, Wittenbrink, Correll, & Ma (2020). The India Face Set: International and Cultural Boundaries Impact Face Impressions and Perceptions of Category Membership. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 161.


A D D I T I O N A L   R E S O U R C E S

Resources meant to facilitate the use of the Chicago Face Database.

Several labs have developed materials related to the Chicago Face Database. We have begun to make a selection of them available under the Resources tab. They currently include tools for image modification (e.g., landmark templates for image morphing) and modified image sets (e.g., facial expression morphs). If you would like to add your own resources to this space, please contact us at

V E R S I O N   H I S T O R Y


The current version of the database is 3.0
Full database, including all images, norming data, read-me file, and measurement guide. [1.7 gb zip file]
Download: full database with image sets CFD, CFD-MR, and CFD-INDIA
Download: norming data only
Download: measurement guide only

April 2024
Terms of Use
We have updated our Terms of Use, clarifying that CFD materials cannot be shared via file hosting services. Likewise, the release of CFD materials to cloud-based services (e.g., for the purpose of AI image manipulation) violates the Terms of Use.   

April 2023
Development of the Chicago Face Database would not have been possible without the dedicated and generous support from many. A list of our supporters can be found here.

March 2021
Version 3.0
Release of the CFD-INDIA Expansion Set and Maintenance Update
Publication of face images for 142 unique individuals, recruited in Delhi, India, with norming data.
Correction of errors in the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio measure. Specifically, this measure has been updated for all database images and is now based on the ratio of the bizygomatic face-width measure and the distance between the upper lip and highest point of the eyelids. The resulting ratio is identified as fWHR2. The fWHR1 measure used in prior versions of the database relied on a less common definition of the ratio (Hehman et. al. 2013). It remains available here for the main CFD image set. However, use of the fWHR1measure is discouraged as it contains unreliable height measurements.

November 2020
Version 2.5
Addition of CFD-MR Expansion Set
Publication of face images for 88 self-reported multiracial individuals, with norming data. Updated measurement guide.

July 2016
Version 2.0.3
Minor Maintenance Update
This update eliminates several duplicate files from the distributed zip archive. Norming data remain unchanged.

March 2016
Version 2.0.2
Update to Norming Data
This update fixes a typo in the norming data for variable fWHR of target CFD-LM-200. In addition, the codebook now includes scale information for all subjective rating measures. All images included in version 2.0 remain unchanged.

March 2016
Version 2.0.1
Update to Norming Data
This update provides a minor correction to the norming data.
The AGE variable (rater estimates for target’s approximate age in years) now excludes all rater responses over 70. Elimination of outliers for this variable changes the resulting average estimated age for 3 targets:
CFD-AM-215, CFD-BF-041, CFD-BM-216. All images incldued in version 2.0 remain unchanged.

August 2015
Version 2 Published
Addition of 439 new neutral expression photographs with norming data. The database now includes Asian, Black, Latino, and White male and female targets.

December 2014
Supplementary Materials to
Ma et al. (2015)
Additional analyses
for the Study 2 data reported in Ma et al. (2015).

September 2014
Version 1 Published
CFD 1.0 includes 158 photographs of Black and White individuals. Targets are represented with the following expressions:

  • neutral
  • angry
  • happy (with open mouth)
  • happy (with closed mouth)
  • fearful

Norming data are available for all neutral expression images.

F R E Q U E N T L Y   A S K E D   Q U E S T I O N S



Q.: I submitted my request, but never received an email with the download link for the database.
(1) Check your junk mail folder. The link email may have been flagged as spam.
(2) Make sure your browser is pointed to the secure download site when you submit the request (i.e., the page address should begin with https://):

Q.: I received an email with the download link for the database. But the link is missing, not working, or just gets me back to the CFD webpage.
A: Please re-visit the CFD download page and complete the request form using a compatible browser:
If you are using SAFARI, please make sure you have enabled JavaScript in your browser preferences.

Q.: How do I enable JavaScript in SAFARI?
A: On a PC:

  1. In the Edit drop-down menu at the top of the window, select Preferences…
  2. Select the Security icon/tab at the top on the window.
  3. Then, check the Enable JavaScript checkbox.
  4. Close the dialog box to save your changes.
  5. Finally, refresh your browser.

On a MAC:

  1. From the Safari menu, select Preferences.
  2. Select the Security icon/tab at the top of the window.
  3. Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox under the Web content category.
  4. Close the dialog box to save your changes.
  5. Finally, refresh your browser.

Q.: My download stalled. What should I do?
A: The database has a file size of approx. 1.5 GB. It is best to access the download link from a fast (campus) connection. Slower connections may eventually time-out.

Q.: I successfully downloaded the ZIP archive. But it does not open / expand properly.
A: Your download timed out with only an incomplete ZIP archive. Re-access the download link from a faster internet connection.

Q.: Do you have other images besides those included in the CFD?
A: All publicly available images are included in the database. We continue to collect new images for inclusion in the CFD and will make them available with revised releases of the database. Check back regularly with for any available updates.

Q.: I just need a few images, matched for certain criteria. Can you send me those images instead of the full database?
A: Feel free to download the CFD and select the images that match your criteria using the supplied norming data.

Q.: Can I use CFD images in my publication?
A: Of course. The only constraint is that we ask researchers to limit the number of sample images that appear in publication to a maximum of four images, unless the methods require otherwise

Q.: How do I obtain a formal permission to reuse CFD images for my publisher?
A: Please use this PERMISSION REQUEST FORM and submit to


Chicago Face Database
The University of Chicago
Center for Decision Research
5807 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

For all copyright or publication permission inquiries:
Please include this PERMISSION REQUEST FORM with your inquiry and submit to


Debbie Ma
California State University, Northridge
Department of Psychology
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330
Joshua Correll
University of Colorado
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
345 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
Bernd Wittenbrink
University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Center for Decision Research
5807 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637