Professional development

Great leaders possess a range of similar qualities: empathy, resilience, determination, to name just a few. How can you foster these qualities to become an even stronger and more impactful leader?

The fact that you were chosen for Chevening means that we saw the potential in you to become a great global leader. But that journey does not end when your Chevening year does. It is an ongoing process which requires a willingness to learn, an ability to adapt, and an openness to reflect on ways in which you are already demonstrating exemplary leadership, and identify areas for improvement.

To support you with this process, we have put together a range of resources to help you hone your professional development and leadership skills, and pick up advice from other Chevening leaders.

Career tips and guidance

How to futureproof your career after your Chevening year

How to futureproof your career after your Chevening year

As a Chevening Alumnus, you possess a unique blend of skills, global perspectives, and a prestigious network that can propel your career forward. Whether you’re happily employed or searching for your next job, it’s important to be proactive and look ahead to your next career step.

5 free courses to improve your cross-cultural communication skills

5 free courses to improve your cross-cultural communication skills

The ability to successfully communicate across cultures is a key skill for any Chevening Alumnus in today's globalised world. The Chevening Alumni team have curated 5 free courses to help boost your skills in intercultural communication.

Three surprising skills of an effective Chevening leader

Three surprising skills of an effective Chevening leader

Any Chevening leader knows that great leadership is about so much more than just telling people what to do. Find out the top three skills that can Chevening Alumni can foster to develop their leadership skills and boost their career.