Health Care for All Californians

The California Health Care Foundation helps Californians with low incomes get the health care they need.

Our Priorities

Health Equity

Health Equity

All Californians should have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential for health. CHCF is working with a wide range of partners to remove structural barriers to care and build a just and equitable health care system that is designed to redress, not perpetuate, the inequities that too many of our fellow Californians face. Learn More about Health Equity
Universal Coverage

Universal Coverage

California's commitment to expand Medi-Cal eligibility to all income-eligible adults offers an historic opportunity to achieve equity in health coverage over the next five years. However, much work remains to ensure that those who have coverage stay covered and those are are eligible for coverage are enrolled. Learn More about Universal Coverage


Bridging the Care Gap: Addressing California’s Health Care Workforce Needs

California faces major shortages of health workers and isn’t producing enough new workers to meet its population’s future needs. Meanwhile, California's health workforce does not match the diversity of the state. These workforce supply problems have a major impact on health access, quality, and equity. Learn More about Workforce
CalAIM in Focus

CalAIM in Focus

CalAIM is a multiyear reform led by the California Department of Health Care Services to improve the health outcomes and the overall well-being of Medi-Cal enrollees. Explore CHCF’s collection of tools and resources aimed at helping organizations understand and implement CalAIM. Learn More about CalAIM in Focus

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The CHCF Blog

The CHCF Blog features health policy insights from experts inside and outside CHCF.


Upcoming Event

CIN Workshop – Analyzing and Communicating Results of DEIB Efforts in Communities

July 25, 2024 - July 25 2024 Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) programming is central to creating an inclusive organizational culture and spaces where community members can feel part of health and social service organizations. The California Improvement Network (CIN) is offering two workshops, led by Jess Chacón from J. Chacón Consulting, exploring effective practices… Read More

Event Recording - AI and Health Care: Good or Bad for Health Equity in California?

As AI grows, leaders must consider governance, equity, and policy implications to ensure fair access and quality care. What are the governance, racial and socioeconomic equity, and policy considerations leaders should address in their decision-making? Listen to the discussion from April 2024.

View the AI Collection