dollops of dulce de leche in ceramic spoons

Last Updated on August 18, 2019 by Larissa

layer cake

Dulce de leche seems simple. It’s made up of just two ingredients: milk and sugar. The milk and sugar are slowly cooked so the sugar caramelizes, creating an intense, complex sweetness that is the best flavor on earth. The birthplace of dulce de leche is South America. During our time in Buenos Aires, our mission was to sample as many products with dulce de leche as possible. It’s a tough job but, well you know.

 These cakes are decorated with dulce de leche frosting with even more between the layers inside.

black and white cookie

Alfajores: A tasty twist on the New York black-and-white cookie. Take one of each and sandwich them around a layer of dulce de leche.


Here’s a simple recipe you can try at home: take a croissant, slice it open, slather the inside with dulce de leche, sprinkle powdered sugar on it. Done.

jars supermarket shelf

 These supermarket shelves are stacked with so many varieties of dulce de leche that we couldn’t try them all.

pastry shop buenos aires argentina

 Larissa’s in control as she selects some treats at a Buenos Aires bakery.

The rich gooey carmel of dulce de leche may be the best flavor in the world. We tried it in as many varieties as possible while visiting Argentina, its birthplace

Dulce de leche gelato

Not only is dulce de leche the best flavor on earth, it also makes the very best gelato.

Dulce de leche gelato

It’s hard to believe, but gelato is less fattening than ice cream. So eat up.

Dulce de leche menu gelataria

In America, an ice cream store may have one flavor of dulce de leche. In Buenos Aires they have up to a dozen. 

Dulce de leche in Buenos Aires spinning gelato cone

The gelato in Argentina is spun around, not scooped, before being placed on the cone. 

Dulce de leche Volta Buenos Aires

Mario and Jimmy are the gelato spinners at Volta, and huge Rocky fans. 

Torta de Mil Hojas

Possibly the sweetest concoction we have ever tasted is Torta de Mil Hojas, sometimes called Torta Rogel. It’s made up of many layers of crepes with dulce de leche slathered between each layer. The whole thing is topped off with a baked meringue. Our initial excitement when the cake was brought to our table faded away though; we met our match in the Torta de Mil Hojas and couldn’t finish it.

torta miloja cake

The Torte Miloja in all its glory. Count the layers. 

Dulce de leche cake rissy

Even sharing this cake between us we just couldn’t finish it. Afterwards we were a bit hepped up on all the sugar.

La Salamandra Cafe

A restaurant devoted to dulce de leche? That’s one of the things that makes Buenos Aires so special.

La salamandra cafe buenos aires

We just had to try this place. 

La Salamandra condiment

You know a restaurant is good when dulce de leche is the 3rd condiment, right after salt and pepper.

La Salamandra spoonful and cookie

For dessert try the dulce de leche three ways: a tart , a cookie and a spoonful of pure bliss.

Can a good thing be ruined?

mcdonalds buenos aires (556x615)

Even McDonalds is into it. Their dulce de leche sundae is quite popular. Funny thing though, when you meet Americans overseas they will only grudgingly admit to going to McDonalds. It’s like admitting they watch porn or something.

Hungry? Try a taste of dulce de leche at home.

Changes in Longitude Larissa & Michael Milne at Arctic Circle

We’re Larissa and Michael, your typical middle-aged couple from Philadelphia who’ve been traveling the world full-time since 2011, seeking off-beat, historic and tasty sights. To receive updates and valuable travel tips subscribe to our free travel newsletter here.