
Waking a sleeping lion in Africa

Normally Michael doesn’t shriek like a tween girl who just found out One Direction was breaking up. But he was this day. Being up close to the open jaws of a lion will do that to you. We had arrived in Africa a few days earlier for a safari…
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Road trip in Africa: How to take a self-drive safari

Is it possible to travel on your own in Africa?  I really wanted to go on a safari, but Michael's not too big on nature stuff and neither of us like group tours.  The challenge was on: I needed to find a way for us to take a road trip, seeing…
kangaroo animal crossing sign
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Lions and tigers and … animal crossing signs around the world

When we were driving all over the world we saw some unusual animal crossing signs that were different from the typical signs for deer we see at home. As we bounced along some pretty rough roads we took these warnings seriously, can you imagine…
Rocky statue Arch of Triumph North Korea

From the Smithsonian: Traveling with the Rocky statue in North Korea

As we traveled around the world with our statue of Rocky Balboa, there were only two groups of people who didn't recognize him: North Koreans and the San people of the Kalahari in Namibia. Everywhere else he was quite the celebrity and a…
Kapana vendor Katatura market Namibia

Tasting kapana in Katutura (Namibia)

Tasting kapana in the Katutura neighborhood of Windhoek is a must-do foodie traveler experience when visiting Namibia. Kapana, the famous Namibian street barbecue, was delicious . . . but not quite what we expected. We had just finished a two-week…
Pictures of zebras Etosha Namibia

Pictures of zebras at Etosha National park

Etosha National Park in Namibia is one of the top game viewing sites in Africa. The park was created over 100 years ago and is huge, larger than the state of New Jersey. We spent three days driving around the park during dry season. That's…
Unique Places to stay Little petra Bedouin camp
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7 unique places to stay in the world

From a kitschy throwback hotel in North Korea to a nudist B&B in Portugal, we found a few unique places to stay in the world. Here are some of our favorites: 1) Little Petra Bedouin Camp, Jordan The Little Petra Bedouin Camp…