Release the body camera footage of Anthony’s death.

Release the body camera footage of Anthony’s death.

April 16, 2021
Petition to
The DA office and KPD
Confirmed victory
This petition made change with 30,685 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Ethan Inklebarger

Anthony J. Thompson Jr. was shot and killed in the bathroom of Austin-East High School April 12th, 2021 by school resource officers. The details of his death are being mostly withheld and most importantly, the district attorney a woman by the name of Charme P. Allen has demanded the body camera footage from the officers not be released to the public, we do not demand an arrest or charges on officers, we simply want the footage of the situation that led to a minors death in his own school bathroom. If you can’t see the obvious attempt to conceal something or keep it hush hush by not releasing the footage you are either ignorant or biased. To keep this whole situation from taking a much uglier turn, please, on behalf of all of the Knox County school system and the youth of this city, RELEASE THE FOOTAGE.

Confirmed victory

This petition made change with 30,685 supporters!

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