OH/Gloria Montgomery’s Case Needs to be reviewed. Three Years for her death is not enough

OH/Gloria Montgomery’s Case Needs to be reviewed. Three Years for her death is not enough

October 24, 2022
Petition to
Ohio Attorney General David Yost, and
Signatures: 1,228Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Annie Petersen

Please read, watch, sign, share. 
Gloria deserved better, from everyone. 

Gloria Montgomery Missing


Gloria had been missing since September 12th, her abusive boyfriend kept lying about her whereabouts .. to prevent anyone from reaching out to her family .. even telling me she was sitting right next to him .. ALIVE 


Gloria Montgomery body found


Initially opened as a Homicide, too many mistakes were made ..

Gloria was found in the home owned by her fiancé, a condemned house of terror for her 

Eric Neal BEEDY arrested


She died September 13th ..

he wasn’t formally questioned or charged until months later, with the ability to roam in and out of the condemned half/double house, freely for a year ..  when I pressed I was told “we can’t make him come in” ?? 

.. umm ??  


Candlelight vigil for Gloria Montgomery BEEDY sentenced to THREE years

His Three Year Sentence is absolutely ridiculous for what she suffered, and how he treated her body 


Please Help ..

The goal is to force a review of ALL documentation provided to the SPD, and get a thorough second look, with new Detectives, new Prosecutor .. new Venue 


Our nearly homeless friend Gloria Montgomery 

was found dead late Oct 2021

In the condemned home of her fiancé

under trash, (graphic) with many organs missing

I was contacted by a mutual friend, who was concerned about messages from Gloria .. we noticed on Sept 18/19 something was “off", these messages didn’t sound like our Gloria 

I was prevented from reaching family members ~  until Oct 17 or so by her fiancé Eric BEEDY, as she laid in his home decaying under trash, with a basket placed over her head 

Determined later:

Last time seen alive was Sept 13, 2021, on her front porch ~ in distress 

She had an emotionally and physically brutal relationship w Eric Beedy, repeatedly thrown out of their condemned half double 

We have proof in writing from HER about the abuse and to show the police her messages that if she went missing or died. That it was HIM 

He hid her body in one side of his half double that was used for “storage”  & pretended to be her on messenger to throw people off 

Begging for $, as though he was HER

He told me SHE was safe

.. at HIS home, next to him on the couch 

and he was getting her to a hospital on September 19/20 .. 

She had already died Sept 13

On Sept 30th Dead Gloria reached out again 

  • How did a very dead Gloria message me again?

Why wasn’t this part investigated properly ??  And used as a motive for her death .. 

  • Attempting to defraud friends from $$ by pretending to be her after she was dead  (This was not followed up on) I asked them to check bank records .. to look for videos 

Her autopsy inconclusive ~ so HE won ??  If you can’t prove a cause of death ~ there’s no murder ??  

  • Her body, hidden in a sweltering half double owned by BEEDY, covered in trash, he admitted moving her .. 

.. the property was not boarded up, or taped off. 
.. the property was not maintained as an active crime scene from the very beginning 

I have so much detail and proof, the detective took it all .. 

What happened?

They did not run down the leads, or follow up with me, ever.

Especially ~~> his pretending to be HER requesting CashApp funds . 

I had all these conversations, in writing

Especially ~~> HIM telling me she was alive when she clearly was not 

I never heard from a Prosecutor, EVER

Even tho I was on the witness list 

The Detective took my info and shut me down after she'd initially told me to stay friendly with Eric BEEDY to get info ..

she actually to me to sleep with him if it helped ..

she was “joking” I hope, but the timing was disgusting .. it was the first time I’d met her, and I’d literally just brought her info about my missing friend ?!?

I remained friendly with him ~ to get that info ~ up until HE told ME to die an ABUSIVE DEATH .. 


His Charge: tampering w evidence ?!?  Wtaf ?? 

Sentence: 3 years ?!?

Promised NO plea deals ~~> His Charge: abuse of a corpse, dropped !!!

Eric was initially booked and released on his own recognizance .. by a Judge who routinely had him before his court ..  Judge O’Neill 

Long history for the defendant of leniency from the Courts  .. for all crimes, especially from  Judge O’Neill 


Domestic violence ~ probation

Fraud ~ probation

Receiving stolen property ~ probation

Unauthorized use of credit cards ~ probation

Violated his probation 5 times ~ his punishment for that was MORE probation .. are you kidding me ?

I'm told repeatedly that the Judge and defendant’s Father are/were possibly old friends, defendant's dad was employed by the department, sheriff or similar.

Uncle in BCI (?) .. I was sent so much info .. ffs .. and I passed every bit of it on .. 

At the sentencing, the Judge only allowed one impact statement (after a few of us were asked to write them), 

The Judge yelled at my (dead) friends brother, and kicked out the father of my dead friends child

I gasped one second ~ he threatened to clear us out

The Judge treated the defendant better than the victims friends and family ~ BIAS


Please review my info/my videos .. 

Eric Beedy got away with something so disturbing

Her case was not given the proper attention, because of her poverty level, alcoholism ~ and lack of standing in the community 

Her life still mattered ~ she was a sweet, bright, kind and loving human being ~ engulfed in an emotionally abusive relationship .. she never hurt anyone 

A young beautiful college student, or the wife of a business man, the wife of a Judge (!) ..  would have been received differently, National Attention .. a stronger case would have been made .. 

A 56 year old, basically homeless woman was simply dismissed and her case closed quickly with the least amount of actual investigation.  

I was treated horribly by the detective, shut out, when I was the actual front line of information from Eric Beedy, because I dared to ask hard questions ..

 * why he was let out on his own recognizance for a dead girlfriend ?!?

* why wasn’t he formally questioned the day it happened ?!?

They waited until Dec to question him.

Months after she was found. 

Telling me they couldn’t make him come in ..?

His dead fiancé found in his home.  ??                      His telling me he’d called an ambulance for her ??

These are things that can be proven. 

With his history and their history of violence, along with prior calls to the police for DV ??

I stated I was concerned that he was being given special treatment .. I was absolutely silenced

Gloria had no voice


Please review these videos ~ all documentation is in them .. 

.. click on these links .. 

Did you hear about Gloria?

Details Details Details

Abuse ..

Gloria tried to tell us

Communications w Department


Then please sign and share this petition .. 

Gloria Ann Montgomery deserved a much better investigation .. MURDER cases are prosecuted and won where there is NO body at all ..  here, they had her body, her messages, his lies .. a history of DV against her and his former wife, proof he tried to obtain CashApp funds pretending to be a dead woman ..  and they gave him the easiest charge possible .. 

The audacity of it all 

His charges and sentencing are another brutal slap in Gloria’s face. 


Please help us, help HER, help other DV victims and Survivors .. especially those whose lifestyle apparently doesn’t warrant a thorough investigation




#JusticeForGloria #RememberGloria 




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