We Demand a Buffalo Tenant Bill of Rights

We Demand a Buffalo Tenant Bill of Rights

July 13, 2020
Petition to
Mayor Byron Brown
Signatures: 516Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by #BuffaloHomesGuarantee

As the city, state, and nation face one of the greatest combined challenges of our time - the COVID-19 pandemic, massive unemployment, and the unrelenting persistence of white supremacy - we need to make sure our most impacted and most vulnerable community members, such as low-income people, people of color, the elderly, LGBTQ individuals, those living with disabilities, are not literally left out in the cold. And that all people, regardless of immigration status, country of origin, or language have access to stable, safe, quality, energy efficient, permanently affordable housing. We need - now more than ever - a #BuffaloHomesGuarantee!

Local tenant leaders and housing justice advocates, including PUSH Buffalo and Citizen Action of NY, launched the #BuffaloHomesGuarantee campaign in late April 2020 on the steps of Buffalo's Housing Court with the release of a 10-point Buffalo Tenant Bill of Rights and calls for the Buffalo Common Council and Mayor Byron Brown to take immediate action to protect vulnerable tenants, preserve and expand safe, healthy, and affordable housing, and stop gentrification and displacement in our neighborhoods.

Now, with a temporary eviction moratorium in New York State set to expire and mass evictions on the horizon, we're demanding that our City leaders enact a Buffalo Tenant Bill of Rights!

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Signatures: 516Next Goal: 1,000
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