End the Genocide of Black and Indigenous People of Color

End the Genocide of Black and Indigenous People of Color

July 7, 2022
Petition to
The United States Government President Joe Biden
Signatures: 1,065Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Tokyo Baldwin


The link is to a document called "We Charge Genocide". Black American activist, politicians, and humans signed this petition and presented it to the UN in 1951. This should be taken more seriously since the claims they have against the United States Government in the 1950's, are exactly the same today.

This document charges the US Government with Genocide based on the definition of Genocide as outlined by the United Nations Convention; they defined Genocide as any act committed with the "intent to destroy" a group, "in whole or in part".

Nothing has changed and this country is still justifying the death of black people in its streets. BIPOC are being murdered and will continue to die unless we realize and exclaim that this is Genocide. "We the people", have the power to right this wrong. 

Black people were kidnapped, tortured, and reduced to the value of chattel; we as a whole were stolen from Africa our home. When our ancestors migrated here from Africa to become the Indigenous peoples of what we now know to be America, the land was then stolen via Genocide until we could only occupy reservations. And now in the present day we cannot exist, or assemble and protest peacefully without being attacked, murdered, arrested, and condemned. We are ALL responsible for acknowledging this. Give us back our freedom once and for all by giving us justice for ONCE!

"We the people", are demanding that all systems of oppression be acknowledged and dismantled immediately. 

We are asking that the US Government/President acknowledge the government sanctioned murders of BIPOC, and admit to its contribution to systemic oppression and racism/ white supremacy in every facet of the US Government structure.

We demand reparations and a commitment to change that promotes balance in equity/equality across all humans residing in the US. 

Remove Columbus Day and all other days that celebrate people who've contributed to the decimation of whole cultures or groups, in part or in full. 

Remove from any public or government office anyone who; had knowledge of, contributed to,  partook in, or sanctioned, any and all systems of oppression in the US that have resulted in; the murder of, wrongful conviction of, defamation of, slander of, misinformation that led to death of, brutalization of, civil rights violations of, BIPOC identifying humans/ communities and any other act that violates a US citizens inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, life, and liberty. 

Revise the US Constitutions' 13th Amendment to not allow for slavery to be allowed despite one's conviction of wrongdoing by a jury of their peers, in a court of law. Policing was only implemented once slaves were freed, before that there were Constables who enforced property taxes and collected municipal taxes. 

Address the need for reparations immediately for all BIPOC residents of The United States. We will also accept land back and compensation to leave the US for those who so choose. Our ancestors were kidnapped and shipped here like cargo, we should have the option to leave at the expense of those whose ancestors stole us and profited from our labor, our bodies, our deaths, and our lives. 

Enact a Bill for BIPOC humans that deems the act of murdering unarmed BIPOC humans, a hate crime. Law enforcement and military should be prosecuted to the fullest extent for violation of this Bill in any shape way or form. 

No taxes of any kind should be required of any BIPOC identifying party in the US indefinitely, for the use of, or occupation of land in the US; or any incidental taxes that may arise from residing in the US. 

Any BIPOC identifying party who has been incarcerated due to marijuana related charges including but not limited too; distribution of marijuana, possession of marijuana, possession w/ the intent to distribute etc, should be immediately released and said charge should be removed from their record in a timely fashion. 

Reinstitute share cropping and homesteading. 


More to be determined...

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Signatures: 1,065Next Goal: 1,500
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