Justice for Christopher

Justice for Christopher

June 4, 2020
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This petition made change with 370,353 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Taylor J

If You Guys Would Like To Send Emails 
Criminal Division- Mark.Piepmeier@hcpros.org        Criminal Division Assist.- Rick.Gibson@hcpros.org   Investigators- McKinley.Brown@hcpros.org 

My brother Christopher Terrell was gunned down by 2 caucasians claiming to be contractors on December 11,2015. His assailants were never charged due to their connections with Cincinnati Police Department. Christopher was walking to his grandmothers house after leaving a friends house when the killing took place. The Cincinnati Police Department attempted to say it was a robbery on Christopher’s part although there wasn’t a gun found on the scene. Multiple witnesses came forward and said Christopher didn’t have a gun but were turned away.

Some of the witnesses who were minors at the time were threatened to not to say anything or they could be charged with his murder. Christopher was a young , loving , outgoing individual. He was way before his time some people may say. When he died his community also died with him. Christopher had his flaws just like any other teenager, he may not have presented himself in the best light but he didn’t deserve to die the way he did.

You may not approve of the way he carried himself or what he chose to display to the world but his life was taken simply out of hate. Even if I don’t get justice I want the world to know what happened to him. He left behind 1 brother and 5 sisters, 1 in which he never got to meet. All Black Lives Matter not just the ones that are being publicized  

Cincinnati Prosecutor’s Office (513) 352-5333 

Lets also factor in after meeting with an officer regarding the case ,she stated it was definitely a murder but couldn't do anything about it. I’ve decided to keep the officer’s name hidden due to the fact that it would put her in harms way.


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