#JUSTICEFORMYSONJEFFREYMENDOZA. The true must come up! Do not stop the investigation!

#JUSTICEFORMYSONJEFFREYMENDOZA. The true must come up! Do not stop the investigation!

March 22, 2021
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Why this petition matters

Started by Victoria Alva

Yesterday, March 20, 2021, was the one-month anniversary of the passing of our lovely son Jeffrey Mendoza. A month that continues to bring much pain to Jeffrey’s family and also to his friends. Jeffrey was a young man just starting to forge his future. As one month has passed, we want to thank our family, friends and the general public for all the emotional support at this devastating time. We would like to let everyone know that Jeffrey’s family and friends continue to cry out for justice. We are sure that Jeffrey did not take his life. There was and is, no indicator that Jeffrey was mired in depression; on the contrary, our son was full of life, with many plans ahead. Jeffrey was looking forward to finishing his studies at UCC, and to start basic training for the Army in Missouri. Jeffrey was excited to start the soccer season at UCC and as captain for the Rahway soccer team. Jeffrey’s family and friends deserve to have this case be clarified. We will not accept the results of this investigation, calling Jeffrey’s passing a suicide. The police have closed this case, but there are too many unanswered questions remaining. We demand that the case be thoroughly investigated, and the truth to be found. Jeffrey’s memory deserves justice and truth; Jeffrey deserves more than being just another statistic. In memory of our son Jeffrey Mendoza, we want to ask you to raise your voice to reach the highest authority in charge of this case. Jeffrey’s family and friends deserve transparency. Jeffrey deserves transparency. Share the evidence on that fateful night, the night that Jeffrey’s life was taken from him on Pulaski Bridge around 11:00 pm.

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