Demand Netflix to Remove Ricky Gervais's Offensive Skit Mocking Terminally Ill Children

Demand Netflix to Remove Ricky Gervais's Offensive Skit Mocking Terminally Ill Children

November 30, 2023
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This petition had 13,897 supporters

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Why this petition matters

Started by Anna Villa

I am writing this petition as a parent whose child, bravely battled cancer. The recent skit by Ricky Gervais on Netflix, where he refers to terminally ill children as "baldy", is not just disrespectful but also deeply hurtful. It mocks the courage and resilience of these young fighters who face their illness with grace and beauty despite their baldness.

Ricky Gervais's jokes were not only distasteful but also heartless. They are a slap in the face to not only the children battling these serious illnesses but also their parents and families who stand by them through this difficult journey. His words have offended an entire community - those dealing with childhood cancer.

According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, more than 11,000 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2023 alone. Each one of these children deserves respect and empathy for their fight against such a devastating disease - not mockery or ridicule.

The sheer disrespect and disgust in Ricky Gervais's jokes about asking a terminally ill child, questioning “Why they didn't wish to get better?”, and resorting to derogatory language are infuriating. This is not only unfunny but deeply offensive. I can't comprehend how a writer or anyone at Netflix could greenlight such appalling content. We must demand the removal of this skit. Gervais has provoked the anger of parents living with their child diagnosed with cancer, and we won't back down in fiercely advocating for them. He completely crossed the line. Our children are not a punchline, their lives aren’t a joke.

This is why we demand that Netflix remove this offensive skit from its platform immediately. We believe that comedy should never come at the expense of someone else's pain or suffering - especially when it involves innocent children battling life-threatening illnesses.

We urge you all to sign this petition and join us in standing up against such insensitivity towards our brave little warriors. Let us show them that they are loved, respected, and celebrated for their strength! Please sign this petition today!

Petition Closed

This petition had 13,897 supporters

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