Demand Immediate Resignation of YorkU President Rhonda Lenton due to Institutional Racism

Demand Immediate Resignation of YorkU President Rhonda Lenton due to Institutional Racism

June 20, 2024
Petition to
Chair, YorkU Board of Governors Paul Tsaparis and
Signatures: 161Next Goal: 200
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Why this petition matters

Started by Theo Fox

We, the undersigned members of the York University community and concerned individuals, hereby petition for the immediate resignation of President Rhonda Lenton due to her failure to address and combat the pervasive environment of institutional racism at York University, particularly concerning anti-Palestinian racism (APR).

President Lenton has repeatedly enabled and enforced discrimination against racialized students, faculty, and community members at York University. Under her leadership, the university has censored speakers advocating for Palestinian liberation, created a hostile environment for pro-Palestinian voices, and failed to adequately respond to concerns about campus policing and securitization raised by racialized community members. For example, in February 2024, cops were called to Dr. Muhannad Ayyash's lecture on decolonization in Palestine; York administration failed to transparently address why cops claimed the university had called them to investigate a "major event" and "possible protest" on campus. More recently, on June 6 2024, the university chose to request over 40 police officers to dismantle the student encampment demanding York divest from the oppression of Palestinians. This, too, is anti-Palestinian racism.

Students, faculty, staff, and academic workers have repeatedly raised concerns about President Lenton’s leadership and seeming inability to engage with the community since her hiring in 2017. She and the Board of Governors were censured by CAUT for their repeated assaults on academic self-governance during the 2018 strike, leading several faculty and student unions to adopt “non-confidence” votes in YorkU senior administration. Senior administration were also criticized by YUFA when a report revealed that although 7.5% of Toronto’s population is Black, Black faculty comprise only 2.3% of the faculty complement at York—yet York rejected a targeted hires program for Black faculty, another failure by the Lenton-led administration to uphold the university’s stated DEDI principles. And despite deferred maintenance costs amounting to more than $1 billion, President Lenton’s abuse of taxpayer funds is endless: $750 billion in capital expenditures without appropriate oversight, increases in senior administration salaries and compensation totaling 37%, and pooled investments that allow the university to profit from war, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing.

As an institution committed to academic freedom, social justice, accessible education, and collegial self-governance, York University must hold its leadership accountable for fostering an environment where all individuals feel safe, respected, and supported. President Lenton's erasure and silencing of marginalized communities have undermined these principles and have contributed to a culture of discrimination, academic unfreedom, and institutional racism.

As YorkU students, faculty, and community members, we therefore call on President Rhonda Lenton to resign immediately to allow for new leadership that is dedicated to upholding the values of justice, equity, and decolonization at York University. We believe that her resignation is essential to restoring trust within the York community, beginning the process of undoing the systemic harm and discrimination perpetuated by senior administration, and ensuring that the university fulfills its commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. We will no longer allow our tuition money and taxpayer funds to pay the salaries of senior administration who each day choose to align themselves with anti-Palestinian racism and enact institutional violence against students and academic workers. Tentanda Via: the way must be tried.

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Signatures: 161Next Goal: 200
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